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Reply to ""Trauma issues""

One, can I say you're going to do great in therapy? The fact that you're being so proactive and trying to educate yourself shows that you'll be working hard. So you're already doing one of the most important aspects of therapy.

Trauma issues covers a really wide range of issues. It can refer to traumatic events experienced as an adult such as combat, a really serious car accident, witnessing extreme acts of violence such as a murder, rape, or being in any near death experience. Trauma can also refer to prolonged trauma in childhood such as emotional neglect, physical abuse or sexual abuse or some combination thereof. The definition of trauma is that something occurs that causes an emotional response that you can not process. It overwhelms your ability to feel and understand what's going on.

This is a long way of saying that without knowing any of your background or history it's hard to know what direction to steer you in. I definitely do NOT want to push you into talking about more than you feel comfortable doing however. So feel free to say more or nothing at all.

All that said I can give you a few links and you can see if you find anything helpful there.

David Baldwin's Trauma Information Pages

The above website has really good articles on Trauma but is really heavy going. These are professional articles written for professionals and use a lot of highly technical language but I did get some stuff out of them.

Trauma, Attachmentm and Stress Disorders

This discusses a lot of developmental issues that arise from prolonged trauma.

Trauma & Attachment Theory

This is a blog of a therapist named Robin Shapiro. She has a lot of good articles and she works mainly with people dealing with trauma so there might be some good insight for you here. And she's where I found Myshrink so I'm very grateful to her. Big Grin

I hope some of that helps.
