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Reply to ""Trauma issues""

Hi Wynne,

AG already gave you some excellent info and links, but I just wanted to add to her comment on the fact that you being proactive in your approach is significant to how well you will progress in therapy. Therapy is a “partnership” entered into by a professional and a consumer, both having different but equal responsibility in the treatment. It is more than a client just showing up for scheduled appointments and appointing her T to “do their job,” “work your magic,” and otherwise sit there indolently then walk out the door and return to their same patterns that keep them non-functioning and unproductive. The “fix me” approach does not work. (My sister has been doing that for 25 years and is envious of the progress I’ve made in 2 ½ years.)

So congratulations on that and keep up the hard work. Again, glad to have you aboard! Big Grin