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Reply to ""Trauma issues""

Thanks, AG, for some great links. David Baldwin's site is fascinating, but most of the articles are, as you suggested, over my head or out of my area of interest - the fourth or fifth time I looked up "amygdala" I decided it was time to stop.

The links about attachment and trauma seem really interesting, but I guess I'm still trying to work through/accept that what happened was "trauma", so it's hard to see a lot of this stuff applying to me.

A typical example of this: I tell my T about an incident that happened at home not too long ago. He's like - you know that that alone would be traumatic, right? (I paraphrase heavily). I'm like - Um, .... no. *looking at the gaping abyss below* That can't be trauma. If that's trauma then... *quickly hurries off the scene*

Most of the stuff I've seen about "what is trauma" is about combat vets (which I'm not) or natural/terrorist disasters (which I haven't experienced). I'm having a hard time fitting what happened to me into "trauma" that way. It just doesn't seem like it's that bad - and since it's the whole way I grew up, and I don't remember a time it wasn't that way, it's _really_ hard to imagine that that counts as traumatic in any clinically meaningful way. But I trust the Tfella, so it doesn't seem reasonable to disbelieve him.

And JM, I appreciate the congrats. I'm trying! Smiler