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Reply to ""Trauma issues""

I'm really sorry, you are in what I consider the worst place to be with abuse. Just because someone doesn't lay a hand on you, doesn't mean they didn't injure you. Being in a constant atmosphere of fear, and in fear of the very person who should have been providing security is abusive. And yet somehow that feels invalid because you can't point to a scar or a physical place. Forgive me, but that's BS. Just what you described here is heartbreaking that you should have to live like that. And yes, I would consider that long term trauma. To be in fear to the point that you'd put baseball bats around means that you lived anticipating violence which is pretty close to constantly experiencing violence.

You don't need to prove anything. You lived with a man who used power, anger and the threat of violence to control your family. That's not how we're supposed to grow up. That's what happened to you and it wasn't good. You don't need to fit anyone else's description but if it will make you feel better, I have read descriptions very similar to what you described that were definitely considered abusive.

You should not have had to live like that; your birthright was to be cared for, loved and protected. I'm really sorry you didn't have that.

OOOH ponies, puppies and dancing bears! Tell me there are unicorns too. Big Grin I seem to remember similar views from our front window.
