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Reply to ""Trauma issues""

Heh. We _are_ the talkative bunch, Scott. I just got back from a family funeral and had to deal with my fam, way sooner than I expected to, so I really wanted to talk to folks. I really appreciate that you all and this fabulous community are here and willing to chat! It's been awesome.

And yeah, I realize that I hit just about every ticked box for 'trauma' (and y'know, I really like Tfella but he didn't have to strain any neurons to come up with the "trauma issues" bit): my startle response is the stuff of slapstick comedy, I have a hard time feeling things (restricted affect), I can't recognize my emotions and have the vocab of a 6-year-old when I try to talk about feelings (1. scared? 2. happy? 3. scared.), I get all foggy sometimes, I'm hypervigilant, I have flashbacks or "intrusive re-experiencing", and I write really really long sentences. Oh, is that not one of them? :P

I appreciate the list, though. It reminds me again how very likely it is that what I reacted to was actually trauma, or that I at least reacted to it as though it were. Smiler Thank you!