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Reply to ""Trauma issues""

Heh. I didn't mean to critique, or shift it back mewards. At least, not too much - I'll admit to wanting someone to ask me that, at the very least. Transparent bugger, ain't I? Smiler

I just (just!) had group therapy - weekly Thing - and it's just so intense in there, it's hard to even stay in the room (let alone be "present"). Plus, Guy next to me twitched at one point and practically had me jumping through the plaster. Boo. And I haven't managed to ask him to not twitch like that yet - since in 10 years of training there hasn't been anything I have managed to dial down my startle response.

So I ain't doin' so hot. Yesterday it was a fight to go outside; I was afraid to go outside again. S'what started me in therapy to begin with - I spent a summer rather alarming indoors, like I said. I called some friends and eventually found an available one, and we met at an outdoor locale; worked pretty well. But I didn't get any work done to speak of.

I'm having a pretty strong reaction, I think, to being home and around my dad this extended weekend for the funeral. I always just act like I act at home when I'm home, and it's only later on that I realize I was stressed out of my mind. I generally realize it 'cause I can't unclench my jaw, I've been grinding my teeth, get nightmares, can barely sit up straight from the tension in my shoulders, and the like. *sigh*

So... that way, I think. You? You Yoopers n'all?