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Reply to ""Trauma issues""

Hi Wynne, Sorry about the intensity of your experience today. I have a hair trigger startle response sometimes too. The rest of what you describe also sounds so much like the responses that Dude was talking about on Monday. Do you ever feel like you need to climb outside of your body for a minute until the over stimulation calms down? I know I feel that way sometimes. Other times I go and hide under my blankets when it gets too bad. I used to drink alcohol, but I am 65 days sober today and learning to deal with my traumas w/o medicating. It is a much more lively experience to say the least. LOL!

It’s good to hear from you and hope you don’t mind my smart-alecky banter. I kinda think you can take it and even dish it out if the conditions are favorable. LOL Wink
