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Reply to ""Trauma issues""

True North,
I'm sorry to hear that you're having a rough time too. Must be something in the air today. I think you're hitting that stage where things feel like they're getting worse because you're starting to look at all the stuff you've avoided looking at (for good reason!). No wonder you feel uncomfortable. I am really glad you were able to talk to your T about boundaries that's really important. And I'm glad he brought up termination. I had that same fear of getting better; I think I held off doing really significant work until my T told me I was welcome as long as I wanted to come. But termination hangs over every therapy relationship. Its definitely the elephant in the middle of the room and I'm glad your T isn't avoiding it. that speaks of his ability to go to uncomfortable places and be there for you.

I know it doesn't feel real good, but you are doing really good work. You should be proud of yourself for going towards these feelings. It takes an enormous amount of courage.

And you didn't ramble at all. You can start saying that when your posts get longer than mine. Smiler
