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Trying hard to accept the care

Hi everyone,

I hope it’s okay for me to share some good and healing stuff from my sessions this week…

I’m trying to hard to accept and receive the care T is offering me. I’m amazed how much shame comes up both ways - when T is close and when he’s far. It’s really a no-win situation for him or me. But I’m trying not to over-think it and just accept the warm feelings I experienced in session without pushing him away. He showed an overwhelming amount of care this week and I just want to run away as fast as I can.

First, the best news of my week is his other job is moving him back in-state. He’s a supervisor for another company and flies out of town a lot. This will greatly decrease the amount of time he’s away and I’m so relieved. I don’t think I could have handled another extended break like we had over the summer.

I don’t know what happened to T over the summer, but he’s different. Or maybe I’m different. Maybe we’re both different. Well, our sessions are different. We are both more open and he seems less afraid.

This week he asked me what has been helpful in the past and if I had any suggestions on how he could be more helpful and supportive. He’s never asked that before. He spent a significant time making sure he was understanding what I have been telling him since his return. He made several observations about my body language and tone and asked if he made accurate assessments that I was feeling alone. He reassured me that he was with me in this process and we’re in this together. He asked me to please tell him when my feelings are hurt or when I’ve been offended. He brought up his observations about me having a hard time feeling so needy all the time and went on to say that he’s okay with all my needs. I ignored his comment and didn’t bring it up until the following session because I couldn’t believe he said that. He said my needs feel overwhelming to me, but he is not overwhelmed by them at all. In fact, he is happy to carry all my needs until I get stronger, even the needs I’m not aware of, for as long as it takes, even if it’s for a lifetime. Who says that?? And why would he say that??

I don’t plan as much as I used to about what I’m going to say in session. I used to almost memorize a script. Now, I just pick one or two topics without too much preparation and I’m okay. But if I’m going to share any personal feelings about him, I usually think about it for weeks before bringing it up. So I was so shocked when out of my mouth come the words, “I really missed working with you.” I was trying not to have a heart attack in that moment. And I was even more surprised when he said, “I missed you.”

With all these things, I feel like I should be happy? Ecstatic? But I’m relieved and terrified at the same time. I have been trying so hard to keep my dependency at bay. The attachment pain from before and during the break was hell and honestly, I don’t want to go back to that pain. I detached from him and the pain was less. I don’t want to be attached again because it hurts. But I also don’t want to miss out on the care he is offering now because this is the kind of care I’ve been longing for for so long. I felt really connected to him this week in session and it’s a struggle on confronting my automatic defenses and thoughts out of session. I really wish I could just accept the care he’s offering to me.

Thanks for letting me share here. I’d love to hear how other people’s sessions went this week.

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