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Reply to "UPDATE: I just figured out why I can't..."

Sorry I didn't respond to everyone before. I will do so now.

(((RT))) Thanks for posting. You taking the time to do that helped me to not delete this thread and hear from others with similar experiences, so even if you don't have the experience yourself, your post was really significant.

(((PF))) Yes to all you were saying. I was literally told I wanted what was happening and was making it happen. I didn't put up any resistance and without going into detail some of the responses were really confusing to me as a kid, and made it easier to believe, though obviously now I am much more in touch with how terrifying and painful it was. I think the things that make me feel most toxic are the repeat incidents from others growing up and in my marriage, due to H's condition, and the ways it has changed my ability to relate in that area of my life. Right now, I'm feeling defeated and like "it is what it is." Frowner

(((Sky))) Thanks for the validation about my symptoms. Reading on that, about others who have experienced the same thing, really helped me acknowledge that this stuff could be anything other than something made up by my "sick" mind. Having validation from an actual live person, rather than an article, is helpful too. My T is good. Right now it feels like it doesn't matter...this is just work I can't do and last night feels like proof I can't face him again.

(((TN))) The other side of brave is stupid, lol. My reaction to sharing it was just...bad. He hasn't read it, but that doesn't matter. He offered to delete it until I was ready to resend, but even if he deleted it and I deleted it and it didn't exist anymore in a way that he could ever have access to it without a ton of still exists in my head. I wrote it down in the first person. It's's mine now. And it won't ever go away. It's like I've faced what I am and I can't bear to be close to anyone now. You made a good point about doctors and especially OBGYNs. I'm seeing one now for the pregnancy and due to a combination of him feeling really safe, having a nurse in the room (and sometimes H), and dissociation, I've actually done more OK with that than the last few years. I really don't know that I can move forward with therapy at all anymore, and I'm a terrible grief about it. It hurts.

(((Jones))) Thanks for your two posts. Obviously, the appointment didn't go as planned. I think, even if he had read it, I would have been paralyzed, non-verbal, and hyperventilating. Usually I'm able to breathing exercises, but this time it defied anything. It was like I couldn't force my body to do it for anything. Maybe because I wasn't terribly "in" my body as a result of the topic. When I did feel myself in my body, it was like my chest was being crushed and my back was so tense I was in enough pain to be nauseous. I've been more in my body lately, but this topic seems to be knocking me right back out of it. I haven't texted T since I told him I wasn't sure I could come anymore. I have only once ever said something similar, in our first year, when therapy was conflicting with my family's needs (financial, emotional). His response was to say we should probably have a closing session. He knows me a lot better now, so he may not do that. He'll probably just ask me whether I think that's the best idea, but also say he respects my decision. Of course, I know it's not the best idea, but I can't face it, much less him. I just can't. Whether that stuff is read ever, or not, I know what I am and what has happened and I can't face it...or, at least being alone with it I feel like less of a monster, because I have no choice but to face it now.

(((Liese))) Yeah, I've worried about my T imagining all sorts of things going on with me that are not. It would be terrifying to imagine my T thought I was trying to do something like that, rather than just work through my stuff. Yes, sex is an awkward and difficult subject. Maybe one of the more triggering things is that for him it's not awkward and difficult, because he's worked with a lot of people and couples on it for many years. I've also always hidden behind my weight. When I was a kid and teen and in great shape, I hid it with clothes. I dressed like a boy, or if I went swimming, I always wore a T or tank on top of my suit. I always looked much older than I was, so as a kid walking down the street, I would get the guys in their trucks whistling even if I dressed normal/conservative for my age. Or if it was Summer and I was wearing shorts and a tanktop, have things like a random guy on the train talk about how women dressing a certain way are just asking for it, don't I think? And gyrating/thrusting his hips while he says a 17-year-old kid, who I guess looks in her 20s. Anyway, so I'm pretty used to guys being that way. I'm pretty overweight now, plus pregnant, but I've never had much of the, "Oh, I'm so fat and unattractive" insecurities. When I try to get in shape, mostly it's just another way of punishing my body. Also, I didn't notice too much in the way of typos, but I write on my phone a lot lately too, so I wouldn't have thought anything of it.

(((kmay))) Thanks for sharing your experience. I get that same thing like they shouldn't want to hear it, and once they've heard it, shouldn't want to be around me. I have other issues around females, especially about invalidation. I didn't realize how deeply I fear men, because my more surface level fear of women has always been bigger, and also started much earlier with attachment issues and rejection (physical, emotional, etc.), and possibly severe depression (post-partum or otherwise) as reported by my sister six-years-older than me.

(((Affinity))) You're right that a healthy man wouldn't be into that sort of thing. I have had a lot of contact with some pretty unhealthy individuals, and probably not a lot of contact with healthy ones, because I started using avoidance of close relationship altogether as a tactic to stay safe. So, it has way skewed my perceptions of humankind, both male and female. I'm lucky that the stuff that has come up from my father only seems very isolated. For the most part, the only way he related to me physically was sports, and carrying me when I was a very small child. The stuff that was the most pervasive and ongoing was one of my mom's many boyfriends. I think I'm realizing how I was vulnerable, and how I ended up being groomed as a result, and one of the hardest parts is that meant no resistance from me when the time came. So, it gets easier to believe what you were told about making it happen...when you don't fight or say much of anything back. T has vaguely heard things from me and a little more specifically from child parts, but I can't remember those conversations, and he has always affirmed how terrible it is and how it is impossible for it to be "our" fault. He hasn't given me a reason to think he would be unsafe. It's just a haunting thought that is there.

Sorry last night's post was so disjointed. Basically, the session went as bad as it has in a couple of years. At the end, I got stuck knowing we were about to say goodbye, and he would offer a goodbye hug (the only hugs we have been doing while discussing this stuff, because being remotely close is too hard with involuntary flinches when he even leans in during a conversation). I felt like...first, I needed to have it explicitly stated it was safe there with him, no matter how I turn people. I had a dream once where he took my hand and did this directly, years ago, and it was so relieving. But, I couldn't ask about this, because when I started to bring up the dilemma he indicated timing was it wasn't a good time to open anything up. Then spent another five plus minutes with me feeling, "OK, I need to end and get out of here" anxiety about how it was supposed to be over, listening to him talk about God helping me in my stuckness and dilemmas. The other part of it was, even if I could have gotten that guarantee from him, the one problem with him not reading it, was I felt that I'm really aware of this stuff, I can't let him close to me until he knows it and can decide for himself whether I am a threat or a toxin or whatever else. That is the one problem I really had with him not reading it. I needed to be able to close and safe and take that in a bit, but until he knows without any hedging "how I am," I can't do that. Part of it is shame for how this stuff has changed me. Part of it is terror that I really do make people bad. I needed reassurance on both those things to experience a safe moment, and I couldn't get it. And it feels impossible to get back. And because he brings up God in that place, it feels like my needing the reassurance is a problem, but I pretty sure that is a projection based on childhood JW stuff from my extended family.

Anyway, he just texted to ask for a clarification of what I meant. He used my name, which he does sparingly. He's done that the last two sessions and I cringe every time. ____ used my name too or maybe that it's like an approach to me, an attempt at connection, and I can't bear to do that to I'm pushing, pushing, pushing away. He wants to know why this time is different and I don't believe I can get to safe when I always have eventually in the past. I can't make sense of it. I can't explain it. I feel like the best and only thing I can do is protect him. I know I need his help right now, but since I can't be safe with's better to reduce the collateral damage and just be alone. Maybe that's part of the memory, needing people who couldn't be safe or who acted like my needing them was unsafe...and maybe this is just my default response. I don't know. I feel like I have no choice right now.