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Reply to "What about back up Ts?"

Hi About,

I use a back up T. It really does nothing to lessen my separation anxiety from my current T and my preference is to be with my T, but in her absence (vacations) I have absolutely no problem using a back-up T. They are aware of each other and it works for all of us. The back up T is my former T that I had for my ED and she is always on stand-by to assist. I am glad that my current T is encouraging of me using other resources. When I see my back up T is mostly just "checking in" type sessions, but given our history together I feel free to discuss deeper issues if they can't hold until T gets back.

I know a lot of therapists frown upon it because of concerns of muddying each others waters, but fortunately in my case both of them just want me to do what I feel I need to do to take care of myself and feel supported. I think it is kind of neat to have more than one because I take away different perspectives. I have learned coping skills from one T that I never explored or heard of from the other. In my situation it is a win-win for us all.