Musical Me...that was a very lovely sentiment that your T expressed to you. It seems like she really does care about you and wants to be there to see you grow and spread your wings. Have you ever considered that you don't want to feel the closeness to her at times because it's too scary and that you need to keep her at arm's length. I have to admit that I do this with my T. There are times when I cannot tolerate the intense intimacy that we have and I push him away or shut down or even accuse him of things that are really not true (at least in the here and now). And then I tell him he is moving away from me. He smiles and says that perhaps it is ME that needs to move away from him and that it's okay to take a break now and then. The longer I know him the more I can see how really intuitive he is where I'm concerned and how well he has come to know me. When I tell him how well he knows me he just tells me that it's because I have allowed him to know me.
Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there. Perhaps it's just that sometimes your Ts understanding and acceptance is hard for you to handle. It will get easier with time. I'm glad you were able to believe every word in your last session. How long have you been seeing her?
Thanks for updating us.