I could not do it in 45 minutes. My parts come out more completely and I go away and it can take time to be grounded enough to go after.
Dimmed lights do help, both because of triggers from certain parts' memories and because I feel less exposed.
Sitting side-by-side, or on the floor, holding hands, etc. all feel much safer, though initially, the closeness triggered some real d-attachment responses.
I have comforting stuff for the kids, but they rarely come out unless there is huge triggering. Sometimes I find them out without really remember them being taken out.

I say take it slow. Again, protectors first, what their concerns are, then whatever little you can risk to share, even if it is just occupying the same space.
When my sessions were most intense, I had to do them in the evenings, so I didn't have much to come home and do after. Longer sessions also helped T to have enough time for me to just sit there (once kids are gone) and ground for a bit after leaving.
It helped me at first to just kind of write ABOUT what was coming up, and then talk to him about it in our next session, when it was too hard to talk about it or get direct interaction. So, a session might be a lot of stuff coming up, but I couldn't process it immediately in the moment and would take a few days to write about it, then our next session we might talk about what came up for me, after I had some distance from it. I don't know if your T would do that, as long as the actual discussions happened in session, but it helped ME feel safer to talk about it without being afraid I'd be misunderstood. Now, I don't need to do that almost at all anymore, like once in several months and about something I was having a problem with, not kid stuff.