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Reply to "What Would You Need..."

TN I'm going through a similar process atm in my therapy and of course all hell is breaking loose in my personal life grr!! Smiler

I think where you can take as much pressure off yourself when it comes to work and social commitments. you as an individual are important and valuable and little girl you is too and she needs her time and space to process what's happened to her growing up.

My sessions are 50mins and the room is lit by two floor lamps so the ambience is lovely. My T (i doubt) would never hold my hand. He has given me an item of his for me to hold onto between sessions. I think bring whatever you need (toys, comfort items etc) to help you feel safe in the process.

I wonder if you can see T multiple times per week so you're accessing more containment while you're feeling more unstable? Is there anyway you can have a break between the end of a session and returning to work?

In this whole process I have found the hardest thing is that once I speak something from little girl me I panic that I'm going to get rejected and abandoned by my T. The shame, fear and worthlessness that then unfolds is often unbearable. Sometimes writing in a journal or emailing or texting T to make sure the relationship is still ok can really help. At the end of the day you are dealing with the most anguished and awful grief you never should have known. But the grief is the path to healing.

Hugs to you xxx