All of this makes so much sense. Sometimes just getting a sense through someone else makes me realize that I am ok. But I also tend to be an information junkie. I like to hear that I’m ok or that I will be ok, but I thrive on the information that proves that this is all normal, or explains why this is going on. This is so much of what I needed though I would not have been able to articulate that before.
Everything that you stated sounds just like what I am going through. Memories and feelings that I already processed are surfacing again like the flipping of contemplated pages of an unread book. Like you said "its like my brain is re-visiting information for re-filing purposes on stuff I had blocked out." That is very reassuring. I get it. Thank you again and again.

Just Me (and I’m ok with that)

or maybe it should be Just 4 Me.

Funny how that sort of relates to what My T said last week in reply to my telling her that I really like it here (in her presence) because I feel warm, heard and understood. She said “That’s good, and what you are actually enjoying is yourself, because this is all about you.”