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Why Isn't the New Neuroscience being practiced and funded more?

I wonder why a lot of people still don't get Right Brain Therapy and all the new neuroscience is teaching us?
Gee.....this stuff saved my life and I wish more people could have the opportunity I have had. The slowness is really frustrating. I posted my story in the story section has been mind blowing for my life...a Miracle as my family calls it. I have tried to tell others what this form of therapy has done for me...and how much it is now saving in health care $ in my case alone, but nobody seems interested. I often get no response at all when I share my story.

The frustration of working in Mental Health without being allowed to use any real tools like having the time and specialized training to connect with a client in a right brain way, and having meds hugely over prescribed with strong control by the medical system is what has caused burnout in me. This type of treatment keeps the client dependent and sick even though we all say its about Recovery and Empowerment.

What makes it so awful is knowing there is a better way. How long do you think it'll take before psychiatry gets it?
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