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Reply to "Why Isn't the New Neuroscience being practiced and funded more?"

Hi Summer,

The info that is on this website is all included in the type of therapy I had. There is a lot of good stuff online here and if you could learn it all you would have a good grip on the new right brain science. The person who I saw was a trauma therapist and she practices what Dr LaCombe is teaching us. She works with people with attachment injury and trauma to help you grow past the stuck points in your life.
There isn't a single book that talks about "Right Brain therapy" out there yet, but all of the authors I suggested earlier plus what's on this website can add to your understanding of this newer way of healing. This is quite new stuff and I think the best place to find straightforward info on this issue for a lay person is this website.
You might want to really consider searching for a therapist in your area who is trained in helping people with attachment injury because the approach that works in healing attachment injury has to be Right Brain based. You really can't heal from this stuff alone, you need another person's right brain to relate to. Just make sure that person is well trained. I am not sure if you would find Allan Schore's material helpful, it is pretty technical but if you want, that might be another source of info.
My therapist said the best book for a lay person has not yet been written because she hasn't had the time!......or who knows?....maybe Dr LaCombe will write it!! Wink
