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Words that were in my head

I woke up around 4 am this morning, and I was talking these words in my head. I waited until the wife was out of bed around 5 am and then started writing them down. I was talking to T in my head. These were the words:
Neseela nokakay. Sackala niva don makaway. Sukuh, domlok, fonaswayno que ty. May, pullah nawaka. Cheena, choka, fonaswayno, may calawok doolaw-wah.

Kychi, kchi, kychi. Kiwassa. Moka, maylana, maysakataywahlah choo nokalay.

No. Pai. [T's name, sort of, spelled phonetically]. Nochai. Nochai-cha. Tsteek.
I then decided to text them to her, but thought she might just see the words as gibberish. So I called her voice mail and read them to her. Then sent a text with the words.

Any ideas what this might be about? Anyone else get words in their head?

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