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Reply to "Words that were in my head"

I'm not sure it would have occurred to me, but this approach makes sense-- writing about the words and the evoked associations, journaling about it the way you would a dream symbol. After all, words are symbols, too.

I definitely understand not wanting to share if it is close to core stuff, but hope you come back to let us know how you are doing and how this works out. I think it's very interesting and not crazy.

I am sorry it's distressing you, though, and can also totally get that! As you know, spontaneously occurring imagery of whatever kind can have a kind of insistence to it, but it's also important not to let your ego self get too overwhelmed. Sometimes you have to look at something just a little bit, take a break and then come back to it later.

Was thinking about you and all this. Hope you are well today. Hang on in there!