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Reply to "Would you read your T's notes if you could?"

I don't really think my T writes her personal thoughts about me in her notes. It may reveal what my T sees in my symptoms or ways to work with me and reminders. She's upfront with this information and I feel satisfied with the education about my conditions, progress etc. Even though I am absolutely certain the notes would be for work not her personal opinion (she's really clinical about her notes). Honestly i think the notes would make me pissed off and set off a ton of shame. I'm at a point in therapy I receive a lot of the feedback and ask a lot of the questions I think would come up on reviewing the notes anyway.

That's my thoughts anyhow, coming from someone who doesn't read therapy books because I like what feels as an "organic" process. I'd rather ask for feedback or ideas and T and I can work through it... I can't imagine any time i would ever want to read them, even if transferring to another T. I'm used to having my notes shared between three providers plus any time I'm in the hospital all those records are released (with my permission) to my team.

My T writes down a ton all session long, I mostly think it helps her remember stuff. It's a common learning style.