Old T took notes very rarely but he did a few times. The thing is: when I requested my notes via an attorney when he abandoned me and I was considering licensing board action, it took him NINE weeks to copy my session notes of 2.5 years and to drop them off with my current T. Once I read them I realized it took so long because he made them all up!

Perhaps he didn't realize that I journaled each and every session and what was discussed. None of his "notes" matched what actually happened in our sessions. His notes were vague and just downright inaccurate and stupid. A reflection on his incompetency to be sure. Things like when I revealed trauma, when my mom died, and even the last few sessions were omitted or lied about. His notes said that I decided upon his advice to leave and work with another T. The truth was that I was harshly abandoned in a very abrupt way and I was left with no other T and no support. The outcome was PTSD. So I have very little faith in any notes a T would take.