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Reply to "Would you read your T's notes if you could?"

where i live there are laws in place so that i have the right to see ANY medical or psychological notes written and held about me. the mental health act can be used to block that, but it is decided by an outside authority, and would only be used in extreme circumstances (i.e. the patient had a diagnosis of paranoia and / or could completely mis-interpret anything written about them).

so - i 'could' ask to see them, and if my T refused (not that she would) i have the law on my side so could see them.

but would i? no. I'm not interested. i don't think it would be helpful for me, at all. reading things written about me, and in cold clinical and legal form - it wouldn't exactly be warm and fuzzy!

im in the process of a work review where my professional body are deciding if i need to have ongoing monitoring and reports written by my dr, psychologist and psych dr sent to them in another 3 or 6 months time, or if the monitoring can stay at the level of my treatment team. i will get sent a copy of the letters sent to my prof body, so i will see what my T, my dr and psych dr have to say. all offered me a copy or to go through it with them before they sent them, but i declined.

i'm not even sure i'll read the copies when they re sent to me, to be honest.