so - i 'could' ask to see them, and if my T refused (not that she would) i have the law on my side so could see them.
but would i? no. I'm not interested. i don't think it would be helpful for me, at all. reading things written about me, and in cold clinical and legal form - it wouldn't exactly be warm and fuzzy!
im in the process of a work review where my professional body are deciding if i need to have ongoing monitoring and reports written by my dr, psychologist and psych dr sent to them in another 3 or 6 months time, or if the monitoring can stay at the level of my treatment team. i will get sent a copy of the letters sent to my prof body, so i will see what my T, my dr and psych dr have to say. all offered me a copy or to go through it with them before they sent them, but i declined.
i'm not even sure i'll read the copies when they re sent to me, to be honest.