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"The repetitive presence of the number 11 means that feminine energy rules on 11/11/11. On a global scale and in our personal relationships, we can find common ground now. We're able to avoid conflict by casting confrontation aside in favor of cooperation and give-and-take. There is more willingness to work together on this day, and a universal increase in compassion and caring."

"11/11/11 may be one single day, but the effects of this date can be profound and lasting. Tune in. Reason with others. Connect, accept, love and listen, and you'll find a more calm, complete and connected future."

Wishing everyone a very connected day!
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I saw your post on Friday Liese and I wanted to wait until the day was over in my world to comment!!! I just loved writing 11/11/11 and at 11:00 and 11:11 I even stopped and had my own silence - 11am was for Remembrance Day and the 11.:11 was to reflect on that moment in time. Double digits do it for me and all the same digits - well that makes it more significant. The important date made me stop and reflect on that unique point in time.

Not sure I felt any of those positive things from your post - but i did stop to reflect.

I'm sorry that you didn't feel particularly connected on Friday. I did but had a great session with T the day before and then I crashed on Saturday. Wink The feeling of connectedness on Friday was really such a wonderful feeling and I wish I could have it all the time. I was able to stay calm all day even though the kids were home from school (here we celebrate Veterans Day) AND the big news is I had an interview for an internship, my first interview in a very long time. Somehow I was completely organized and even squeezed in time to get my nails done. I battled the traffic, got to the interview almost on time (1 minute late), was able to relax and just go with the flow. On top of it, my oldest actually made the younger ones dinner (unheard of!) because she is so excited I am looking for a job. She informed me when I got home that they will all adjust to me working.

Saturday was a different story. Frowner But today is a different story too. Smiler Thanks for helping me feel connected to you. I'm glad at least that you had time to reflect. And, if I remember correctly from the OF, things are going at least a little better with your T?


OMG Liese - what an absolutely amazingly wonderful 11/11/11 you had. I am really rapt to hear it - i felt like i was there with you. When a few things like that happen - I usually stop and think "thank you universe".

THanks for asking about T Liese - yes, we had the big rupture and repair and renegotiated. She admitted that she hasn't been in tune with me due to tiredness etc and that she can't hide it from me.... I have reorganised my days and I am now the Tuesday at 10 person! T really wanted me to be in the morning when she is fresh - but thought i was unable to change my plans. She also agreed to mid-week email contact. I think she had slackened off a bit.

I am super avoidant - and resisting every attempt at attachment and super vigilant about being rejected. Poor T - I am giving her a lot of grief. I am sure she is thinking "Just let go and trust me and the process".

When will you hear about the internship?

That's great that T agreed to mid-week email and that she moved you to a morning spot. I don't know how these T's do it, sitting all day, being mostly quiet, trying to call up appropriate responses on demand, listening, listening, listening. It's no wonder she was tired.

Awwww, I've given my T a lot of grief too. And probably a few gray hairs. Big Grin She is strong. And hopefully patient enough until you come around and decide that attachment isn't as bad as you think it is.



P.S. I did get offered the internship. But I had to turn it down because it was a full-time gig pretty far from my house with no pay for three months. I need to look for something that pays. But the boss struck me as an amazing human being, would have really held my hand (which I need at first) and seemed to just be the good-natured type, calm, easy-going type of person. It was tough to turn it down. Frowner I'm not settling this time though. I'm going to try to hold out for the right situation. I'm putting my foot down. Big Grin

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