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Originally posted by monte:
Can anyone tell me why I am suddenly unable to edit my posts? When I click on the edit icon below my posts, all I get is a red exclamation mark inside a yellow splodge! What does this mean? Does it mean are no longer editable?

Any clues anyone?


It means you are too wise for your own good, and we have requested that you not be allowed to delete your posts, as they serve the common good.

Wink just kidding.

I have no idea. That is odd.

(Your posts ARE good, though!)
Monte does this mean you are thinking of doing a runner again? I hope not!

I haven’t tried editing anything I’ve written here, but I know on other forums there is a time limit within which you can edit after which the post can’t be edited. But that probably doesn’t apply here as obviously people have managed to delete their posts well after they’ve been submitted. Maybe deleting and editing are two separate functions?

Sorry that’s not much help is it? Hope you manage to work it out.

Jo and Blackbird,
I think I can clear up the confusion. Smiler

Hummingbird was posting here when Jo was last on regularly and used the same icon as Blackbird. So, two birds and the same icon are easy to get confused. Big Grin

Jo, BB started posting after you hadn't been on in awhile, but as you're both lovely people this can be the beginning of new friendship. Wink


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