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It really depends on how easily it can be talked about by which ever part is holding the memory or is being affected by it. Sometimes we can't really talk and the images are so close, so then we use EMDR. Most of the time we use Sensorimotor techniques and as the trauma is talked about in very small pieces, we allow my body to do things that it wanted to do back then but couldn't. It completes the circuit so to speak.

I've also found that this is not a linear process. We have revisited the same memories multiple times because each part holds a different piece of it. Then there are the memories that used to feel like they belonged to my other parts, but now I realize they are mine/they were me/it happened to me and then I have to go back and reprocess again.

Like BG said, it is a snail's pace process, but the slowness is what keeps it safe.
I don't really know anything about processing trauma, DF...but I just wanted to offer my support. I know it must be really hard work, and I admire your resolve and courage to get through it...from what I read on here it is just slowly, slowly to deal with the memories bit by bit, like patiently untangling a bunch of tight knots, perhaps...idk. I am not brave to talk about my memories with my T, and mine aren't even *that bad* so I don't know how you do it. Be safe, be well...


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