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DF... I'm so sorry you are feeling so unsafe and in pain over that insensitive and inconsiderate vm left by your friend. I just want you to know that I heard you and I do hear you and I'm sorry and wish I could help in some way. I'm glad that you contacted a T for some reassurance and guidance.

I think you are probably in shock because you are now seeing a side of this person that you didn't see before and I imagine it's very unsettling and it's throwing you off-balance in the way you view this person and the friendship.

I hope your Ts can help you sort this out and that you begin to feel better in some way. I am sending hugs and safe calming thoughts your way.

DF...I'm so sorry that this happened to you. wth was this guy thinking? I'm sorry that you were treated so badly by somebody you trusted and was a friend. I'm so glad you stood up for yourself and gave him what for about it. Good for you.

I hope you have some foam or something for the bottom of that tub, or something, sweetie. Lots of pillows... Be well, thinking of you...please let us know how you are coping when you get the chance.

Hi Deepfried,

I am sorry you are struggling so much at the moment and that you aren't getting much sleep.

I am not sure how to interpret your sounds like an invasion of your personal space which can be very say you have never asked for help before...maybe this represents the fact that you would like to ask for help but you fear that noone would listen. idk I could be way off base.

I really hope that you are able to sit with your T and just be comforted and get a much needed think she might freak out if you ask for this? Maybe this is in someway related to your dream of people running away from you when you ask for help.


Let us know how it goes.


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