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Yes, I did it and I had to stop. I told the man that I had PTSD and he offered to do some acupuncture areas that would help release past trauma. I told him no thanks. I was there for pain relief and I wanted to let my T handle the trauma part. So, he said he wouldn't do it. Well, there were several points on several occasions that hurt SO bad when he put the needles in and each time he said those points related to grief and stored trauma, but that he wasn't doing it for that. During a few of the sessions I was highly activated and triggered and would cry and darn hear tore the needles out myself and ran away. Afterwards, I almost always had huge floods of emotion and also an increase in PTSD symptoms (flooding of memories, emotion, images, intrusive thoughts etc.). Finally, the last session I told him I couldn't lie down on the table face down and that I wanted to be sitting up and he must NOT do whatever he had been doing to stir up so much stuff. That session was a bit easier, but again I cried through the whole thing and had a ton of anxiety. I haven't been back since.
I am doing acupuncture right now for anxiety. It is great!! I don't know if I "believe" in it and some of the things she says strike me as a little crazy. But after my third acupuncture session, I left feeling the most calm I have felt when I wasn't on anti-anxiety meds. It was an amazing feeling, and lasted for about six hours. Then for about a week after that, it felt like my baseline was lowered and my anxiety was a little less severe. It really hurts me to have the needles in my arms especially. She said that most people will not feel it at all, but some including herself, are extra sensitive and it will hurt. I am willing to do it even with the pain for a little bit longer just to feel that relaxed feeling again!!!
Plus she is a naturopath (sp?) and has been recommending diet changes and vitamins (magnesium) that I think may be helping.
df, glad it went well and i hope you do sleep well tonight.

i tried acupuncture for tennis elbow. a well respected acupuncturist did the work, but it had no effect.

keep us posted. i do think these guys know something though. eastern medicine has been around alot longer than western, and i am sure it is more effective for some issues than others. also, the herbal stuff he recommended. i didn't do that.

it was interesting, he examined my tongue, and seemed pretty intuitive to my stress level.

good luck, girl. jill
Originally posted by deepfried:
I feel so drunk right now. I can't even explain it. I've been trying to drink water. I'm really swaying around feeling pretty out of it. (Um, edited to add I've had no alcohol but yea, this feels weird) maybe I have just figured I would feel something so my body is just doing this. Who knows. I believe in the power of placebo but seriously I feel messed up right now.

I might have to acu-dial people or something. I've already sent "I love you, man" texts to my friends which is classic drunken DF behavior.

lol, this is funny. Any time you do any type of body work there is a shift in the body and it can feel pretty weird. I know that I've experienced it with acupuncture, massage and Reiki and definitely with the body work that I do with my T.

How are you feeling today?

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