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df, interesting. not sure the look ups are right on for you, what do you think?

dreams are interesting, and i, too, have been reading about them. starting to understand them better. my take on yours, and i am no expert, but, somehow, just talking to him healed you. to me, that sounds magically great!! the talking cure.

i dream mainly frantic helpless things...once, my kids were up a hundred feet in the canopy of a tree and i couldn't help them. doors that won't open (a real freudian 101...recesses of my brain i can't get into) ... driving my car and the windshield is so dirty i can't see (another easy one, i can't see my future)..terrified and can't scream...mainly just unsettling things, my, i would love a curative dream...y'no, freud said they are wish fulfillment. so, your wish being that he heals you from your helpless feeling state? sounds like a nice dream, and one your unconscious has bought into. excellent news, dear df!!

they say the first dream you share in t is very key...and that dreams of the t are key, too.

mine are mostly in the helpless realm. boo hoo! jill
Hi, DF...I'm visiting the forum tonight after being MIA, and thought I'd comment. I've been thinking about dreams lately. I never used to dream for years, until recently. My T said in email in his T-ish fashion- "it's a sign that 'frozen layers' are starting to open up.' Soooo, from my unschooled perspective- good that you dream! Broken arm/skate park that you don't skate in, in fact you don't skate- but T is there- you are there and she is, even though it's not what you do- something there... not sure what. Interesting stuff! Maybe you feel out of your element in therapy, and the helplessness of not being in control there and knowing exactly what you are doing- something? idk. Dreams. Interesting concept.

I dream mostly about my T since I started to dream again, it seems. I always feel reeaaallly good after a dream about him. Weird. I dreamed that he was teaching me how to swim, but I just wanted him to pull me through the water, and was so sluggish- he had to keep yelling at me to move my arms and legs.. Roll Eyes I dreamed that he suggested kissing me, as a "therapeutic experiment" but did so really dispassionately which left me feeling "cheated" for lack of a better word. I dreamed that he was huge overweight, and asked me to go away with him to a ski resort to help my in-laws who are in a seriously screwed up marriage. I was delighted. I also kept an empty bottle of dish detergent in a briefcase that was somehow connected with him, in that dream, for "sentimental" reasons. Big Grin weird. I dreamed that he lived at the top of a very tall building, and that he hated me because I was not a good mom, and emptied garbage and money from my purse (which I do not carry) all over my lap and he didn't even look like himself, but was young and hot- and that I was forced by an evil woman to have a pap smear against my will in his office... good grief. I seem to have some T issues myself. Kind of funny when I think about it! weird they are.

Big Grin

Nice to see you DF... and all. Missing everyone.

Hi there sweetie Smiler

So, you ahd your first dream about your T? - Hey, congrats DF! And it was a really expressive(?) one too! Lots of symbols/images about your therapy- healing process here. Just guessing here, but the dream might be both about a deep wish to heal further, and/or a comment about the healing that`s already been 'done' in your therapy. I bet your t would be glad to hear this dream, as its alot of 'creds' to your T here as well! (does your T work with dreams btw?) I wonder what you felt when you woke up? Glad, excited? Oh, lol df- i dream about T ALL THE TIME and i`ve spent so meny sessions working with those dreams. I used to love it (since i had no idea what else to talk about, i assumed telling dreams was the only way to tell something "important" enough..well, i wasnt that wrong- it did open up lots of doors in my therapy. anyway!) Espescially in the beginning face of therapy, i had dreams about T, where he accourd in different anattainable ways, always buisy, always unreachable, always distant and careless. Lots of my anxiety came across in those dreams as you can tell.
These days i would normally dream about T, but without the following anxiety, he`s usually transformed into other men i know. (or women for that matter, lol!)

Its good that you started this dream-thread again, i have too missed the old one!

My first response is, please don't use those online dream dictionary sites. While some dream content is common to a lot of people, the meaning is totally tied to the context of the individual.

I think this is a wonderful and promising dream for you. To me it says that you're open to your relationship with your T and are available to healing through that relationship. If your T is experienced with dreamwork, I think it might be helpful to him/her.

How did you feel when you woke up? Did you feel good, did you feel fear? That's an important part, too.

I always look up my dreams on dream dictionaries! I think the sentence about broken arms signifying your inability to care about yourself makes the most sense, however in the context of the dream you found someone who could help you heal.
with my T and I was mentioned my pretty mangled looking arm and I realized it was getting better and better that I could move it.

This is kinda like how therapy is sometimes… You don’t know exactly what you did but somehow you look back and realize how much progress you’ve made… It’s not like your T DOES anything, it just happens.

I had dreams about T or therapy what seemed like all night long. I think this one is the weirdest/says the most:
I was sitting on the couch in a random therapy room and the therapist walked in. He was holding three guns and with one of them he shot himself in the arm. Blood was pouring out but he didn’t seem hurt. He went to go sit in the chair which was this huge old gross looking reclining chair. I told him over and over again I can’t talk to you sitting there with blood gushing out of your arm! He finally said “fine” and he pulled the lever thing for the recliner to go out but instead of just going straight out it went all the way up and hid him like a shield so his body was hidden but his arm was still sticking out. That wasn’t good enough and I yelled over and over again I can still see you bleeding behind that shield!

I was reading Resolving Impasses before bed… there’s a page on therapist’s anxieties about the attachment bond being broken, and there are different reactions to this that T’s such as being cold and detached. So relating it back to my dream, I guess it’s saying that even though my T put up a mile wide brick wall, I could still see him bleeding?

Another one was that my childhood friend started seeing my T, and then a few days later we were both at the store and my T came up to me and said he can’t see me anymore, because he can’t see me and my friend at the same time. Then my friend and I were at home and I was complaining that it’s not fair that she gets to see him and I get kicked out… Her only response was asking me why the hell I even care because he’s such a loser anyway. Definitely don’t need to look this one up on dream dictionary!

If you do talk about your dream with your T, let us know what she says (if you're comfortable telling us, that is.) I'm curious to know her thoughts.

I had some interesting dreams last night. I have a lot of dreams about tall structures...mountains, buildings, antenna-type things, and had another one last night where me and my friends are driving along a mountain road that has a very sheer and long drop-off. I'm both afraid and exhilarated by it but for some reason we don't stop to check it out.

What a fantastic dream, it was so expressive. When i read it here is what flittered through my very imaginative mind. Big Grin

Something important but not vital (like your right hand would be) has been badly damaged, not sure why the 2 places but maybe you have 2 major threads of hurt? You are so used to it being like this that you don't realise it is broken and can be fixed and your T is drawing your attention to it cos that is what T's do. Big Grin Anyway so the skating is the slightly out of control feeling that everyone gets in therapy, slippery slope and all of that. And you are almost doing something completely new but still just walking around, kind of circling around and not yet on the ice skating. But you are getting better and better and soon you will be sailing around twirling skirts and flashing legs and all of that kind of thing which personally i think sounds just fabulous!

Who needs dictionaries when you have ME!
Just popped in and actually had another your dream your left arm is broken. Left arm/hand is connected to the right fact, some therapist I've heard, will reccomend that righty's try writing and drawing with their left hand in order to reconnect with their right Just a thought. Not trying to say anything like that you have a "broken" right brain, but more, maybe it's an area in your life that needs development or healing with your T's help, and subconsciously you know that. Again- just a thought.

Lovely to see you too...ok, I'm gone again-



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