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I'm the one who watches (and plays) sports in my family. H mostly hates sports, except he wrestled in high school.

I have a B.A. from Stanford in Japanese...and no, I never used it for anything, because self-esteem issues mean it's impossible for me to have any ambition beyond learning things that interest me. Therapy has been giving me a desire to go back to school and even have a career that would challenge me someday.

I love to read and write poetry, and wish I made more time for it.

I am incredibly anal about making things match and also about making things symmetrical, if possible.

I can do a lot of things pretty well (music, cooking, etc.), but I can never really focus on one thing enough to truly master it.
1.I am fairly fluent in 5 languages, but can understand/read about 7.
2.I am so obsessed by mini coopers that when I see an Austin Mini Cooper in the street, I'll actually make a noise that resembles 'Mini!'
3. I've seen You've Got Mail about 100 times
4. My name and phone number resemble the name and phone number of a company that sells hearing aids, so I regularly have to explain to someone on the phone that - although when I answer the phone my name sounds like the name of the company they're looking for - I am not them and I don't have their hearing aid. Of course, since they can't hear that well, that often results in endless horrible conversations with total strangers who think I'm being rude.
5. I've visited 17 countries.
Cool thread and really interesting question! Smiler

1. I got engaged riding an elephant at the Bronx zoo.

2. I left my wedding in a heliocopter.

3. I can tie a cherry stem into a knot using only my tongue (the payoff of a very long drunken night in my wasted youth Big Grin)

4. The college I went to was founded by the family of the man who invented the steamboat along with Fulton.

5. I really love technology and electronics and home theater. The kids call our great room my digital kingdom.
I would love to see some of your designs. I love your description of the Tuscan design (although i agree I wouldn't want to live in it.) And I find it intriguing that you have one degree in social work and another in design. May I ask which came first?

I am totally impressed with your command of languages. And I found #4 totally hilarious. My father in law sold hearing aids, and occasionally when we were visiting our in-laws, I would end up on the phone with a customer. So I totally related to what you were saying. Big Grin
I can relate to #4 as well. My cell phone is listed, for some reason, as a call-back number for a Kaiser hospital somewhere that is barely in my area code. So, I will get messages on my personal voicemail from people talking in detail about their condition and asking for the test results and such. It hasn't happened lately, but it was for a few months. None of them seemed to bother with the fact that my name did not match whoever they were trying to call. I felt horrible and always called them back to explain I was NOT the right person to call, so they wouldn't be getting angry at their hospital for not returning the voicemail.
1. I like cooking and I think I’m pretty good at it… never actually learned how or follow recipes, its just something I’m naturally good at

2. I have that song ET by Katy Perry stuck in my head

3. I’m in the process of redoing and actually making myself an office for my work which I am very very very very excited about.

4. I have a lush obsession…… a very bad one……

5. I am having chilli and cornbread for dinner tonight… which I should go get started on making!
Great idea!

1. I want to see it snow on a beach someday.
2. I sometimes get random camp songs stuck in my head from being a summer camp counselor years ago.
3. I’m learning sign language.
4. I’ve managed to accidentally get locked INSIDE a library twice.
5. I have a cat and she has a habit of sitting in the shower and staring at the bath mat for hours. HOURS! I have no idea why.
DF - H and I just donated our hair this Summer. His was longer than mine was. He has beautiful, thick hair that he grows out (when I let him). I have fine, curly, uncooperative hair. I usually keep it long, so I can pull it back. This is the first time my hair has been too short to pull back (it's getting long enough again now). Trying to decide whether to keep it short (everyone keeps saying how cute it is short/down/curls everywhere) or grow it out like H prefers. If I grow it out, I guess I can donate again, which will be awesome, but it will probably take until Summer 2012 at the rate my hair grows. Frowner Dang H and his perfect hair!!!
1) I am terrified of water slides and roller coasters. That free fall feeling is so out of control that I feel like I'm going to die. Same applies to skiing although I never got off the bunny hill!

2) I think I might be one of the only few remaining people who has never watched Grey's Anatomy

3) I wish I had a cat

4) I can't stand lateness. I feel equally irritated by being the one late as I do by waiting on someone who is late.

5) I qualified to join Mensa when I was a teen, but my parents wouldn't let me submit my scores. I find it funny that I ever actually qualified or gave a crap.
Awww, I'm sure it's cute, DF. I hate how I look most of the time, feel fat/old too, but others seem to like it. Recently looking at some old high school yearbook pics, when I was in great shape, isn't helping my self-esteem. Took some cute pics with my little girl at the park today. H usually makes me look super-fat when he wields the camera, so really happy to have some pics of me and Boo that look good and aren't obviously taken by myself.
Frosty this is hard!!!
Ok 1st attempt at divulging some of me out there!!

1. learned to type on a manual typewriter ie non electric!!! to do a copy you used a gestener stencil machine and switchboards were plug ins (great fun for eavesdropping!)

2. born and lived in the bush for a few years - lived in cities for 45 years - moved back to the country 11 years ago.

3. family had one of the first tvs in the neighbourhood - black and white!

4. could not survive without my animals - we all love each other unconditionally.

5. travelled a lot when married but no more thanks!

6. used to teach phys ed (100 years ago) and spent a couple of years in the convent (also a 100 years ago!)

Yay!! I said something!!!
Originally posted by LadyGrey:
Originally posted by Mayflower:

5. I've visited 17 countries.

Oh wow! Which countries?

Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Minnesota, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, the UK, Iceland.

I'd love to go to Egypt, India and Scandinavia...
PF ~ Good questions for people. I was wondering some of the same things too.

for me - how did I get locked in a library twice? The library was having shorter hours than normal and I was there studying. I was in a study room, and the lights that they flicker in most of the building just before it closes, for some reason it didn’t flicker in the study room I was in. When I eventually looked at my watch, and then looked out the door, the whole place was dark… I literally had to call campus police to come and unlock the doors so I could get out. They cracked many jokes (and assured me it actually happens a lot). It was funny, until I did it a week later. But then I finally learned my lesson! Yep, I am truely a geek. Razzer Big Grin

Morgs ~ Good to see you !!! "could not survive without my animals - we all love each other unconditionally." Me too!!!

AG ~ on an elephant? wow, what a cool experience!

Draggers ~ I carry a camera with me everywhere too! oh, and I love that you want to work with rescued horses and kiddos - so much healing happens in all kinds of ways for horses and humans Smiler Congrats on your horse making the national junior event team! that is a BIG achievement!
((((Monte)))) To lose any loved animal is so hard, and to be there when they are put down, is tremendously tough. You must have cared for her so deeply. I don't know if it brings you any comfort, but I have a feeling she was glad you were there. I'm so sorry for your loss. It is so hard. I have a hard time letting go of that too with a loved animal that died recently too. My T helps me remember stories of good times with her and it helps make those images and moments not be so hard to remember. We spent almost an entire session just talking about sweet stories about the animal I loved and lost. Carrying a picture of her when she was healthy helps me too. It doesn't make the grief go away, but makes it easier to bear. It may not help or apply or be fitting for you at all. Please know you don't have to go through it alone. lots of hugs, jane
This is a fun one! Lets see...

1. I play the Ukulele.
2. I work at an advertising agency as a designer.
3. I love animals and have 3 dogs and a ferret.
4. I am slightly obsessed with all things penguin.
5. I'm really good at video games, and frequently make my guy friends angry when I beat them in PvP rounds online.
Originally posted by Attachment Girl:

I am totally impressed with your command of languages. And I found #4 totally hilarious. My father in law sold hearing aids, and occasionally when we were visiting our in-laws, I would end up on the phone with a customer. So I totally related to what you were saying. Big Grin

Which languages do you speak?
Funny that you can relate to the hearing aid phonecall disaster... I mean, funny that someone else here has the same problem, not funny that you have to deal with hearing impaired people on the phone too...obviously!

1. I want to see it snow on a beach someday.
Please take a picture of this Jane, as I'd love to see it too! I love living oxymorons Smiler

DF, I've also donated hair 3 times - 12 inches, 10 inches, and 8 inches. My hair used to grow really, really fast, and it's really really thick, so I was able to donate every 2.5 years. I kinda like my hair short right now, but I do miss braids...

4) I can't stand lateness. I feel equally irritated by being the one late as I do by waiting on someone who is late.

I hear you STRM. And lately, my T has been running 5 minutes late at all my appointments, yet I don't often get the extra 5 minutes on the other end Mad

CNC - chef?! I love it! That is what I wanted to do when I was contemplating dropping out of my degree program - go to culinary school Smiler

but I can never really focus on one thing enough to truly master it.
Yaku, I totally get this. It kinda stinks.

Frosty and LG, what is it about the phone? It's like I have an allergic reaction to returning phone calls. Texts and emails are great, but phone calls suck.

AG - your great room sounds like my dream room Big Grin
Alright, I'll bite.

1. I am never more comfortable than when I have my technology around - laptops (yes, 2) iphone, cameras, all at the ready. Total tech-geek and proud of it.

2. I am a gluten-free vegetarian with some insane food allergies. Makes eating a rather unpleasant chore. Unfortunately, I am not allergic to chocolate.

3. I rode horses competitively for 12 years before I had to step into the real world and get a job that doesn't pay enough to indulge any longer. That, and my joints started not liking riding. But I really miss it.

4. I wrote a poem when I was in grade school about growing up to become a teacher. Unfortunately, it took me 3 change of majors, and 6 rather expensive college years to remember that dream, which I am now living, and loving!

5. Spell check is my best friend. Comes in handy when using the computer. Missing it when writing on the board at school!
Last edited by room2grow
1. I create and trade small scale art with artists around the world.
2. More than an average number of famous/noted people attended my high school.
3. I was once caught between a gunman and his intended victim.
4. I could sail a small boat (sabot) solo by the age of 7.
5. I have a fear of heights. Rather than my knees going weak, they will actually ache. I have the same reaction whether I'm actually experiencing the height in real life or looking at picture, television or a movie.
Originally posted by IrishRose:
1. I create and trade small scale art with artists around the world.
2. More than an average number of famous/noted people attended my high school.
3. I was once caught between a gunman and his intended victim.
4. I could sail a small boat (sabot) solo by the age of 7.
5. I have a fear of heights. Rather than my knees going weak, they will actually ache. I have the same reaction whether I'm actually experiencing the height in real life or looking at picture, television or a movie.

I'd love to see some of your art work, Irish Rose. What type of art do you do?
Originally posted by permafrost:

MF, wow, 6, which ones? I speak 4, 2 of them fluent, 2 mediocre.

German, Dutch, English, French and Swedish
I can sort of understand Spanish and Italian. Plus, I studied Latin for a while, but I'm not sure I could still read the Illiad...

which ones do you speak? Have you lived in the countries where they speak those languages as the first language?
Originally posted by permafrost:
Wow! Impressive! Are you fluent in all of them?

I'm fluent in English and German, I'm supposed to be fluent in French and Spanish(I can read books and listen to people but I can't really actively speak or write it, I was too shy and now it's too late).

Fluent? Well, I probably would be if I went back to those countries for a couple of weeks. I have very little occasion to speak Swedish and French, so I need a short warm up, I guess.

Why is it too late now?
Originally posted by Room2Grow:
Alright, I'll bite.

1. I am never more comfortable than when I have my technology around - laptops (yes, 2) iphone, cameras, all at the ready. Total tech-geek and proud of it.

2. I am a gluten-free vegetarian with some insane food allergies. Makes eating a rather unpleasant chore. Unfortunately, I am not allergic to chocolate.

3. I rode horses competitively for 12 years before I had to step into the real world and get a job that doesn't pay enough to indulge any longer. That, and my joints started not liking riding. But I really miss it.

4. I wrote a poem when I was in grade school about growing up to become a teacher. Unfortunately, it took me 3 change of majors, and 6 rather expensive college years to remember that dream, which I am now living, and loving!

5. Spell check is my best friend. Comes in handy when using the computer. Missing it when writing on the board at school!

R2G, what kind of horses did you ride? I started out riding Hunter/Jumper, then went on to showing paint horses. I have ridden my entire life and have only stopped since I've been in college, but even that was because of financial issues. My horse is leased out to a woman in Texas, supposedly until I graduate (in a year), but I don't think I can afford to take him back. It's expensive, that's for sure, so I understand why you couldn't keep it up any longer. I miss it like crazy, and it's actually a pretty painful thing for me to think about since I miss it so much.

Anyway, so I guess I can include that in my facts..? Smiler

1. I grew up riding and showing horses and have only stopped since my second year in college, making it two years since I've been on a horse. I'm 21 and this is the longest I have ever gone in my entire life without riding.
2. I'm a psychology major and hope to go to graduate school in a year to enter a clinical psych program.
3. I'm a lefty. Big Grin
4. I have sung in choir since middle school. I sing most any part, but I tend to prefer either 1st or 2nd soprano.
5. For my senior year in college, I'm moving into a one bedroom apartment, and I can't wait. Everyone thinks I'm completely weird for wanting that. Oh well.
1. I love to sew and paint my nails and toenails. It relaxes me. I actually like when some piece of clothing tears or rips tee hee.

2. I love to write! It's a way to express myself and sometimes get things out that when my mouth doesn't want to cooperate.

3. Hi I'm Diva and I'm a coffeeholic.

4. I'm still convinced I will win an Oscar one day. Ive been acting since I was 7 and it's just a way I can see life through someone else's perspective. It's fantastic!

5. I'm always paranoid that whenever a bird flies over me it'll poop on me. I will literally duck in cover!
5. I'm always paranoid that whenever a bird flies over me it'll poop on me. I will literally duck in cover!

Hehe, then you probably wouldn't like me saying that I've literally had it happen. Wink Right on the top of my head when I was at the barn, and of course I didn't know what exactly it was until I reached my hand up there!!! Big Grin

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