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1. The saying that most describes me is "Jack of all trades master of none" I seem to be good at everything yet never the best at anything. It gets to me sometimes, although mostly I'm just grateful.
2. I love writing, poetry, art, and photography
3. I love watching sunrises and sunsets over the ocean (I wake up at all hours just to be there in time), and just love the sea and nature in general. My soul is fed by nature, its beauty and the power that seeps through every radiant colour it has to offer. It is when I am in nature that I am most thankful for all of my senses - the senses we so often take for granted.
4. I love almost any sport - playing and watching and I'm extremely competitive if I am in a competition of any sort....too bad I'm ruled by Jack of all trades...mmmmmm....breathe B2W breathe, and just be grateful....
5. Queen of debate, politically motivated, governed by principals, always looking for new adventures and places to travel, would love to take a hot air balloon ride over the Serengeti, climb Kilimanjaro, visit Antarctica, travel for a short while through India and next summer I want to learn to surf!

***Oh and Diva, I have had the delight of bird poo land on me several times. I guess that does tend to happen when you are out in nature though. Once I will never forget this...I was at school sitting under a tree with my friends, lunch box on my lap and plop it landed all over my skirt and sandwich, and even a little in my hair...beautiful! Clearly size does count, because that was one massive load, and birds that size should not be able to fly above humans eating lunch! I'm told it is supposed to be good luck, but I think that belief began with one person trying to consol another.
1) Emu's are one of my favorite animals. (I actually had the pleasure of seeing one whilst I was on the train going past a small farm here in the UK last week! Very exciting!).

2) I have the habit of obsessive compulsive spartanism (the opposite to hoarding). I get like it when I attempt to reduce my belongings to nothing. I think it is to do with anxiety/the need to not be defined because I go through identity issues anyway. I'm still not sure why I do it but it makes me feel very clear when I get rid of more and more stuff. I hardly have anything. Just the basics, my art stuff, one or two books and my psp really.

3) I love travelling. My dream career, if anything, would be to be a travel photographer.

4) As a snack I eat the baby food dessert jars. A lot of them are organic and just whizzed up fruit. Real good for you, costs just as much as a chocolate bar and tasty.

5) I am absolutely a hot weathered person. 30 degrees and above suits me fine (with no wind and sun shining).

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