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Well BI... all Ts have different rules and boundaries about accepting gifts. Some accept low value gifts and some won't accept any at all. I hope you sent them to her office not her home.

I would say that you need to be prepared to discuss the gift when you see her next. Why you sent them? What did it mean for you to do that? Why flowers? Etc.

When do you see your T next?


Nope, you aren't seeing my T either. Funny, I thought the same thing as DF. Wink

I wonder if she even thinks they are from a client? I mean, what if (no clue if your T is married, in a relationship or what) she just went on a first or second date with some guy/girl and now she's thinking they are from that person? Oh the things that could be going through her mind. Sorry, just started going a bit wild with the imagination!

Anyway, I hope when/if/ever you tell her they are from you that she takes it well. My T has a $5 limit for gifts or they have to be homemade. I found this out right before I was going to give her something I made her for Christmas this past year. I was really worried because it was more than $5, but it WAS homemade and she loved it so phew!!
Omg! You two are cracking me up. NOPE, we don't share the same T. Smiler It's kind of nice not sharing though, huh!? LOL!

I wrote on the card something about thanks for all you do for your patients so I know she knows it's from one of us... I don't know how many she has, but I am sure she has quite a few. Are they all as crazy about her as I am? Maybe! I guess I will never know.
Well- it was Appointment day. I didn't admit to the flowers during session. But, I sent her a quick note telling her about it. We will see how our next session goes next week. Today was such a good session-- we discussed us, which I needed. She reassured me that we are working together but that it's ultimately up to me-- and she thinks I'll be the one who comes to her and says "I think it's time for me to go." She mentioned that my case is long term therapy-- I could take my time but I needed to know that her ultimate goal is to guide me off onto my own. I feel really good about what happened today, which in result made me decide to fess up about the gift. I can't wait to see what she says-- I'll keep y'all posted on further developments. I'm feeling good about working through this attachment this moment I'm time-- I am calm. T said that this cycle of attachment comes and goes.

Hope you are all having a nice weekend. ((HUGS))

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