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I think he legally has to keep it confidential. He'll probably file it in your file.

I doubt if anyone else will see it.

After a certain amount of time, a number of years, therapists probably get rid of (shred) old files. If somehow he were to be unable to do this, someone else will probably do it for him.

I doubt if anyone else will ever see it.

But I hear what OW is saying, too.
I have written my therapist hundreds of letters and I know that no one has ever seen them. Some of them he still has stuck in my file and some of them got trashed or actually burned over time. He only keeps them for a certain amount of time but he never shows anything I write to anyone. He says that it is part of the confidentiality stuff. But I would first ask him if he you can talk to him over the phone first. But if not I would not be too worried about writing a letter. My therapist actually burns the stuff instead of throwing them away just to make sure no one sees them or gets them out of the trash.
I've written a couple letters to my therapist. After having read them together it's my choice to either keep them or give them to the her. I find a special place that is accessable of us both in her room to store the letter(s) Vase. I can ask for the letter back at any time or we can refer to back to it for a reference.

She wrote me a letter too. It went into the vase after sharing it together.......

Writing your therapist is a wonderful healthy way of communicating what you otherwise wouldn't be able or you perfered not.

Destroying my letters would be destroying me

Summer, alot of people write their therapists to find closure when therapy comes to an end. Write as many as you need ......... It's normal and healthy

Originally posted by Hummingbird:
In deciding, self-respect is maybe the thing to go on, how will you feel about yourself once it has been said, irrespective of the response you get or don't get? I am really not sure but i think that is a clue for the right direction.

Great advice! That's how we should live, yes?!

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