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Hey Monte -

I love the sound of this sketchbook. Incredible that you found that way forward in the break between appointments/between you. My fingers are crossed that your T recognises this for the gift that it is to your therapy - surely he has to!!

I've been in this situation of having shared creative work with my T. Not stuff that I've done for therapeutic purposes, explicitly, just my work. I hate that feeling of hoping, hoping, hoping that this person will get it, somehow. But my work is pretty obscure; people don't tend to relate to it unless they've had some experience in the field, and even then, kinda rarely.

I don't know, I do it for myself, not anyone else, so in a sense I don't care. But sharing with my T - I really hoped she'd see enough that we'd be able to work with this in therapy so I had more creative freedom. But that would have taken a lot more time than we've had, and now we're winding up.

Can I be bothered showing it all to the next T? Hard to imagine, right now!

I reckon if I were your T I would want to think about it, hard and deep, and talk to you in person about the work so I knew you'd hear me. But still, I hope you get an email for a little immediate relief!!

Keep us posted.
I feel I have tapped into something that may finally propel me past all those blocks to emotional connection...

Monte, I LOVE the idea of finding right-brain ways to get past the left-brain blocks. And I sincerely hope that your T recognizes the value in what you're showing him, and the risk you're taking, how vulnerable you are making yourself, in a way that words can't even express. I hope he treats those sketches like the treasures they are. You've basically handed him your heart. I hope so much that he "sees" you in those pictures. I would think a T would be THRILLED that a patient would be so creative in expressing themselves. But here's the hard part...even if he doesn't react as well as you hoped, that doesn't take away the value of those sketches, just like it doesn't take away the value of your heart. It is still beautiful, still unique, and still yours.

Actually I kind of wish you could share your pictures here... Smiler I don't suppose...?

SG...Thank you also for what you wrote in your post - that even if he doesn't offer the response I need to what I have offered, it is not of any less value. That is truly the hardest part to accept. The Pope, The Queen of England and Simon Cowell could fall at my feet in admiration for what I've done, but it'd mean nothing. I need my T to respond favourably, I need to know he has been moved and that I have given him a deeper understanding of my pain...and of my needs in therapy. That's all that counts. Also...he is not exactly the most effusive type - not in the capacity I know him anyway - and I just want to break through that...which is probably wrong.


I can totally relate to you here. I have never shared anything so deep and personal with my T as what you are sharing with yours, but what I have shared has been difficult to do, and I agree that it is so hard to accept that we may not get the response we so desperately 'need' from them. It's excruciating to intentionally make ourselves that vulnerable, and I sometimes wonder if they truly 'get' how difficult it is for us, and how much we need from them when we do that. It's definitely no small feat! Wink And I get the part about your T not being the most effusive type. We both seem to have Ts that have that same issue as therapists, and I understand the desire to want to get past that with them, to break through their boundaries or whatever it is that keeps them so stoic almost. I agree with you that it is probably wrong, but I can't help myself, either. It's a driving force within me that I can't seem to shake. Roll Eyes If anyone can help us out here (well, me anyway, as I have to speak for myself), please speak up!! I need to quit trying to change my T and either accept her ways, or find a new T. Sigh...

Good luck, Monte. I know the next two weeks won't be easy. It's hard to drop something like that off and then wonder, wonder, wonder what is going on in your T's head, what he thought, what he'll say, if you'll get what you want out of it, etc. It'll be agony. Been there myself, and only had to wait over the weekend! Eeker Keep posting if you need support, as we're here for you! Smiler I really hope this is 'IT' for you!! You deserve it, but please know that like SG said, your efforts and your work and your emotions and feelings all have tremendous value, no matter what. And that's the key here. I commend you for doing what you've done in expressing yourself as you have. That is so awesome! Big Grin Way to go!!

I need his unsolicited encouragement, enthusiasm for me to pursue this direction.

Yeah, Monte - I really get that. For me it's like I can't even work if I don't have someone in that role, wholeheartedly believing and encouraging. My T is suggesting I can learn to do it for myself, but I've had bugger all success so far.

Hey Monte - go easy with that finger. I think this is why many artists and other workers-of-the-mind need mentorship, close working companions, community. Often the relationships are intense and volatile - I suspect because there's a whole lot of attachment feeling at play. It's not a criminal offence. It's a condensed, vivid and REAL part of being human. We go to therapists when the way we do it is hurting our lives too much - or when we don't have the contact with the right people to fill that role - either way seeking it out is a healthy move. It just makes you fricking vulnerable, I know.

And because that all just sounds a little too preachy and peachy I should say I've just been really stung by the loss of someone in this role. Again. I hate it and it makes me feel worthless, humiliated, impotent and like a total loser - but I won't bow to that feeling that I shouldn't reach out for this or need it. I do.
A couple of months ago I took in a folio of art work in to show my T, stuff I did a few years ago but had never been courageous enough to bring in. He spent so long looking at it all and was so impressed and asked heaps of questions and comments and stuff. It just made me feel so happy and worthwhile. Uggh! "Look at T thinks I'm clever so I must be!!!" WTF?

I wish I could get that motivation in tablet form. Much less painful.

That's why this sketchbook thing I've done is so important, not just as a means of expression, but another dose of that level of praise and appreciation. I'm feeling useless and inadequate and I need him to say, "Hey I think you're wonderful..."

I hope you don't mind but I left out the "Uggh". Big Grin

I'm so glad to hear your T had such a positive and enthusiastic response to your artwork before. And FWIW, I don't think looking for it again is wrong at all. On the contrary, as kids we very much needed to be "seen" in order to feel real and make sense of our experiences, it's like air and water to kids, and there are so many ways in which we didn't get that and we are still looking for it now. I hope very much he gives your sketchbook the same kind of time and interest and questions, you really deserve it and it's okay to enjoy it and breathe and drink it in. Big Grin And I totally understand your not sharing it here, that it's not the same as sharing it with your T, but I just wanted to throw the suggestion out there, so we could give you even more of that interest and praise, as I'm sure you would get if you did. Smiler


Yep he really did get it! How great to know there is that connection between you, that you can express yourself so powerfully through your art and be understood. And he positively is encouraging you to continue through this medium - brilliant!

Great stuff monte - can I commission you for my T?!!! Would save me a whole heap of explaining!


Originally posted by monte:
Don’t you hate that tendency to scenario-ise approaching important situations? I do it all the time and being in possession of an over-active imagination and being oh so desperate for certain needs to be filled, I soon expect the moon and the stars. But then reality arrives and delivers the scenario and it’s never even remotely close to what I've created in my mind. Sigh.

Were you talking directly to me? I just went through this same thing this morning with my T at my session. I sometimes hate that imagination of mine. Gets me hurt or spinning every time!! Mad

MTF…I can see your nostrils flaring and smoking, but you can cancel the flight.

You know me too well, Monte! Wink However, I am glad that I don't have to fly out there because the budget couldn't really handle that expense right now, and my DH would question who the heck Monte really is!! Big Grin LOL!! Wouldn't want to give him the wrong idea or throw more irons into the fire than I'm already dealing with!! Wink

I just have to say that I am so thrilled that your T finally 'got it'! I'm smiling inside for you, and I don't do that often! In fact it brings tears to my eyes to know that he's with you, and that you are a team now. At least that is how it 'feels' from what you are describing. Way to go, you!! I am so proud of you for finding some way to connect to him, to that inner child, and to be brave enough to put that out there, because I know that was really scary to do. Heck, I couldn't even give my T the stuff I'd written to talk to her about today, let alone give her something like what you did. That is quite an accomplishment and you have earned the jump you have achieved in growth in your relationship with your T. How fantastic for you. Smiler I'm hoping you are content with the situation and feeling good about it, because you really should, lady!! Big Grin Again, way to go!!


Originally posted by monte:
Thanks for the encouragement re my pictures, but actually I don’t know that it was them that communicated successfully...seems it was more the written explanations that went with each of them. I was quite hurt when he admitted he was a ‘words’ person and from that I deduced that my visual stuff hadn’t really impacted much at all...I felt almost embarrassed that I’d even bothered with the pictures. He didn't say anything negative...he just didn't say much at all about them. The only thing that indicated they may be of some worth at least was when he said that between me connecting emotionally via my pictures and him being impacted by words, we should get somewhere. So the idea I guess is I expand on what I’m doing and go in each time with something new and I share it with him and we see where it takes me. He is trying to get me to switch on emotionally while there with him...and then when 'it's' exposed, explore it I guess...that's what they do, right? That's not something I’ve ever managed to do with him and after so many years of numbness in his presence, I just wonder if it’s possible.

I'm sorry you feel that maybe your artwork was perhaps a waste on your T and that it was the explanations that were most useful to him. I would look at it as a success either way, as the drawings got you in touch with inner feelings that your T knows you struggle to connect with in session, and sees that as very valuable, even if he IS a words kind of guy. I believe he knows you can get somewhere with this! So it goes back to what you said to me in your post yesterday about trusting that significant other. He knows you well enough by now Monte, and he sees some real value in what you've presented to him. I 'felt' it when I read your post yesterday about your session with him. Still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. You also have to trust yourself, that you CAN experience your emotions in his presence. It IS possible, you just have to believe it and work toward allowing it, as scary as it it. When you shut it off or block it out for so long, it is so hard to let it come, but you are working so hard and I know you want it or you wouldn't be working to achieve it. It will come, my friend! Trust that it will, and you will find that success that you are working so hard for. I can't wait for the post where you announce that you have had your success! I feel it's not too far in the future! Smiler Keep trusting your T, but most of all, trust yourself!! You can do it.

Hi Monte. I just wanted to tell you that I thought your description of your last session was lovely. I'm glad that things are moving forward and I hope that the next part of your journey is productive and healing.

And like Dragonfly, I've felt emotion in my arms too, in a way. The first time I got a massage, I started SOBBING when the therapist rubbed the insides of my arms. Weird! She told me afterward that the arms have a "lung channel" (reflexology stuff, I guess) and that the lungs are associated with grief and memory. I know nothing about reflexology and I have no idea if there's any scientific basis to it, but I certainly can't deny the strong reaction I had to her touch on my arms.
WOW. Just read about your last session and am feeling soooo happy for you.
I guess things have been stagnant and numb for long enough and he is willing to move beyond his normal methods and try that bit more to ‘reach’ me.

Yes!! I can really see this in what you are describing. You have needed and wanted this for so long and I'm so, so happy for you that he is doing this!
He held my picture for about an hour, looking at it and drawing some things from it that I hadn’t picked in it myself and asked lots of questions and heaped praise on what I was doing.

Big Grin Wink Smiler Cool Big Grin Yes!!! This is wonderful.
I was aware of breathing more rapidly and a few times my head seemed to swim. Very physiological responses. And who has ever felt emotion in their arms? It is a bizarre sensation. My response wasn’t about the things we were talking about so much as the fact that there we were talking about these things, if that makes sense.

Yes this makes perfect sense to sounds like you were feeling a profound connection with him. I especially could relate to the part about feeling emotions in your arms. Hard to describe...kind of like electrical tingles or surges over and over again. I get that and the other sensations you described when I think about being with my ex-BF. I also feel that way when I think about my ex-T...especially when I would imagine him doing the things for me that your T is doing for you, such as sitting closer, really listening, and getting past the intellectual defenses and engaging with that emotional part of me (it never happened that way exactly, parts of it did here and there, I think he was trying but he was really scared to keep going...but I have a really good imagination of what I wanted). I'm guessing these are physiological signs of attachment.
He said in his email he would be aiming at appealing to my internal hurting self and blocking my external self in order to get me ‘feeling’ and that was what he did…I could feel him counter that external me every time it stepped up and then feel him engaging mini-me.

Big Grin Smiler Big Grin

Him asking if he could hold you while he prays for you...that would have thrown me, too...seriously that would be a dream come true but I think I would have done exactly what you did. Praying for you with his hand over yours was a good "compromise". Big Grin And congratulations on getting that hug!
Oh yeh, he asked three times did I want to go through the book with him and each time I managed to offer a different focus and avoid it. He said that had worked this time, but wouldn’t next time.

Smiler Big Grin Smiler Sounds like your hard work is really paying off...those drawings and your emails really reached him and you are getting what you need...kind of scary but wonderful at the same time. I can't wait to hear about where your therapy goes now! Thanks for sharing this with us, monte!

Dragonfly, just read your are just too darn CUTE you know that?? Big Grin Smiler Wink Even exploded like that...but I know what you mean, I felt like "bursting" too when I read monte's post. Very good stuff. What a great reason to explode. Wink

And I like how you described the feeling in the arms, like a "buzz". That's how it is for me too, with the intensity rising and falling over and over again, in waves.

Now let's put you back together, DF! Big Grin

Hi agent, welcome to the forums! Thanks for sharing that explanation from your therapist, that the sensation in the arms is connected with grief and memory. That totally makes sense to me and fits with my experience...I don't suppose she happened to explain how to work that through so we don't feel that anymore? Does the massaging help to access the grief so it can be worked through? Just wondering...

Monte, I was smiling reading your entire post! Heck, I'm smiling writing this. It's so incredible to see how much your T really heard what you said and knew how to tap into what you needed. I'm so, so happy for you.

Like SG, DF, and Agent (welcome, Agent!), I have also felt emotion in my arms. And yes, it feels like waves...but, well..I find it pretty unsettling, actually. It kind of seems like a motivation of sorts to get away from the feeling that causes it. For instance, in this last session, there was a moment where I felt a really strong sense of caring from my T, and I had such a strong reaction to it (including the sensation in my arms) that I just wanted to back away.

It is so hard to believe someone would take this journey with me and want to be there. These are horrible, painful and potentially destructive thoughts.

This pulls at my heartstrings, because I know exactly how you feel, and it's horrible. But what's so encouraging is that it sounds like your T isn't going to let you fall prey to those thoughts...he is definitely showing you that he does want to be there with you and support you. Sometimes when I think those negative sorts of thoughts, I try to remember the times in session where feelings from my T felt genuine, and it holds me long enough.
Hey Monte,

Since things are still getting started with my T, there hasn't been any physical closeness, but she offered to come sit with me a few sessions ago and I just about ran out the door (even though I remained stoically in the same spot, staring down at my lap). But the offer meant more than the gesture would have, since I would have felt too uncomfortable for it to be of any help. I think that, in time, I will crave that physical connection, but whether the physical connection actually occurs or not, I feel like the knowledge that it is there or that it could be there has a major impact on how close I am emotionally to my T. I hope that makes some sort of sense.

When is your next session? I don't know your T, but from what I've read, I seriously doubt that he will suddenly back off and retreat from any physical closeness. I can't wait to hear how your next session goes, Monte. I think it's so great that you're finally getting something that you've wanted for so long. I'm sure that contributes to the disbelief, too. Hang in there...I have a feeling that he'll come through for you. Smiler
Originally posted by monte:

To anyone reading touch/nearness an important aspect of connection for you? I don't mean the nice, warm, comforting feeling that might come from a Ts touch (which is still of huge value), I mean in terms of connecting with emotion within. I am presuming that it bypasses my external self and goes straight to internal me, who holds all the emotion...I dunno.


Oh Monte! I'm so pleased that your session went so well. What a beautiful description you gave.

Yes, I have definitely connected more to the emotion when T is near me physically. There have been times where I was right on the edge of emotion and just couldn't let it go, but as soon as T sits next to me then it is all over. I usually start to cry. The little parts of me always cry while she holds them. So, it is more than just the feeling of comforting and safety, it makes it safe to release emotion that wasn't safe in the past.

Your last paragrah about discouraging thoughts reminds me of the feeling that I had after a recent session where my T held a child part of mine. It felt so right and so safe and then the doubt crept in. It was a feeling of I don't deserve her caring, surely she had made a mistake and surely she would take it back the very next time I see her. For me it was just so foreign to have my needs met and I started to figure that she had some sort of motivation that wasn't pure. We talked about it and she assured me that it was normal that I was feeling that way. We have since had many sessions where she sat with me, held me or otherwise met my need for comforting and closeness and I no longer have those feelings afterward. I think it just takes some time to get used to.
Hello Monte!

Sorry I've been missing for a few days. I read your post Saturday but had SO much to do that day I couldn't respond properly so I decided to wait, and yesterday was Father's Day here in the U.S., so it was another crazy busy day. I've wanted so much to reply, so now it's first thing in the morning here and I'm getting to you first thing! Big Grin

I'm so very happy for you that your session went so well! Smiler I can't tell you the feelings that went through me as I read your post. I nearly bawled as I sat here with a huge smile on my face and chills running through me. You have a fantastic way of describing things so I felt like I was right there in the room with you. I'm so glad that you were able to keep yourself from doing the whole scenario-izing bit that week, and that it helped you so much. It is something I desperately need to work on myself as I know that is something that gets in my way and lets me down EVERY time.

That's cool that you have found something (the props idea) that works so well for you. Your T's response to your dad's stuff was great. I love that he pulled his chair right up to you and leaned forward on his elbows. THAT is what my T does when she wants to connect with me, and it always works. That proximity things does the trick, but yes--it makes eye contact a bit harder. Big Grin

I could sense him trying to hook me emotionally and it was sort of happening...a bit like a wire shorting in and out. Having him sit so near and hold this drawing of my heart’s contents and talk about it quietly and purposefully to that ‘other’ part of me was scary stuff, but I went with it and I didn’t shut down. Although I didn’t have any obvious emotional flood, I was impacted by what he was doing and felt a lot of struggle in my gut. No, not wind! More upper digestive plexus. Just that place where emotion seems to first present itself and I was aware of breathing more rapidly and a few times my head seemed to swim. Very physiological responses. And who has ever felt emotion in their arms? It is a bizarre sensation. My response wasn’t about the things we were talking about so much as the fact that there we were talking about these things, if that makes sense. I was aware of him working hard to maintain my presence and aware of his voice being more gentle, but more persistent…and then him leaning toward me and watching me from so closely. It was intense sort of stuff...for me...smiling Ice Queen that I am. I sort of felt a bit seized by it all, but it felt safe.

I knew you two could do it!! Big Grin I love your description of how you felt. The solar plexus is exactly where I feel it, too. And I too feel emotion in my arms. I'm glad that as intense as it was, you were able to feel safe. Your T sounds great, and I know you're worried about him going back to the way things were before, but I think he'll keep at this because Ts sense things. We evoke things in them that we are unable to express ourselves, things we are unconscious of ourselves. I'm sure he 'gets' that you are struggling with this but that it is what you want, scary as it may be. It reminded me some of that session with my T where I read her my letter and she teared up on me and I felt extremely connected to her emotionally. She had moved her chair right up to me at the couch, had hugged me, held my hands in hers, and talked quietly to me as she tried to repair our relationship. I miss that connection terribly, as it helps me so much to be emotionally present when she is physically close to me rather than in her usual position a couple of feet away. If she scoots her chair right up to me the eye contact just gets to me so much more than it does otherwise. Something about the close proximity, and she knows this and uses it 'wisely', I guess. Roll Eyes If she really used it wisely, she'd be closer more often.

That's cool that your T prays with you, but wow, I would have freaked if my T asked me if she could hold me while she prayed. And I'm used to hugs and enjoy them! Eeker I'm sure that was really a shocker for you. I like that you were good with him putting his hand on yours. And you got a hug!!! Smiler Big Grin Smiler I'm so happy that you are getting somewhere finally. It makes my heart so happy for you, Monte. Gee, now the tears are coming. I know how much you have wanted this and I am so glad that your T finally 'heard' you and is working on helping you move forward so you can heal. I believe like Kashley that he'll keep at it. He'll continue to work on hooking you! Wink Let him!! I know you will, but I just had to throw that bossy part in there for good measure!

I can’t believe how the combination of physical contact and the sharing of these pictures has opened things up. It feels real now, he feels real and seems very much in control of proceedings and I feel a level of trust and security with him I have never experienced before. It just needed the right nudges in the right direction.

Smiler Big Grin Smiler YAY!!! This really makes my heart sing. I can hear the peace you have in this paragraph. Smiler Don't doubt, dear Monte! Keep the positive feelings in your heart and let them carry you to your next session. Believe things can keep going and that you can heal. I think you've found a key to a really big and important door, and there's so much to be discovered there. I'm sure this is the beginning to a great journey for you. Congratulations! Smiler


Hi Monte,

And about bloody time too!!!Sorry if I sounded impatient for your response...but I was!!! You are my T-twin remember Smiler

Frowner I'm sorry. I do know how it feels to wait for my T-twin's response. It doesn't help that our time zone's are so different, but I'm sorry it took me a couple of days. Next time I'll at least let you know that a response is coming but that it may take a bit.

Physical closeness just breaks down walls...for me anyway - and for you too by the sound of it. I kind of feel foolish in front of myself for thinking it's such a big deal...but it is.

I know what you mean about feeling foolish for thinking it's a big deal. I think you were so brave to even tell your T you needed that physical proximity and awesome that he met you on it. I don't have the guts to tell my T that sort of stuff because I feel like she just doesn't 'do' that sort of stuff unless she feels like it's needed and wants to do it. Who knows. Once we get into the EMDR (which frankly scares the heck out of me), I will have to communicate my needs to her if she doesn't move in on her own. I'm hoping she will, because I'm such a pansy! Big Grin

Originally posted in reply to Dragonfly: But I also can see his short term aim is to poke and prod until I break and the thought of doing that in his presence is almost unthinkable, but it feels like a necessary part of the journey. Trouble is, I only ever cry in my husbands presence...and that is only in the dark. Crying is a fearful thing for me. My T understands my fear of what that might be like and how crucial it is that he be available in a physical way and I'm guessing that's why he offered himself as he did, just to get me comfortable with that.

Ugh. The dreaded crying. That will be a breakthrough beyond breakthroughs for you, eh? So good that your T is sensitive to this and knows how crucial it is for you to get there and for him to be there when you do. I know it was so uncomfortable for me to cry in front of my T at first. I didn't have a hard time with the tears coming, just felt so stupid because she didn't say or do anything to help me feel like it was okay to cry in front of her and I too hate crying in front of anyone but my husband, and even then I hate crying in front of him too. It was hard for quite a while, but now I can cry with her while I'm talking and it doesn't really faze me, so take courage that your T is already leaps and bounds ahead of the game and will be a safe place for this to happen when it does. You are making great strides and I'm sure it won't be long, Monte. That's a good thing, by the way! Wink

Don't let that discouragement get to you. Keep the positive feelings flowing! I'm glad you've got another session coming up Thursday. It helps to go weekly, for sure. I don't see my T until July 16th. She gets booked up sometimes for a whole month and then I have to wait. Frowner She said she'd try to get me in on a cancellation, but she called yesterday to check on me to see how I am doing after last week's couples session. She said to call her if I needed to get in for a session, so I think she forgot to put me on her list. I know I can call, but like I said, I'm a pansy. I will see how I do, but if she doesn't call me next week I may see if she can get me in. A whole month is too long.

I hope your session goes at least as well as the last, if not better! Smiler I'll be thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way!! Big Grin So happy for you, T-twin!! Smiler


Thanks for the welcomes, Strummergirl and Kashley! Y'all are so friendly.

Originally posted by Strummergirl:
Does the massaging help to access the grief so it can be worked through? Just wondering...

From what I understand (not from the massage therapist, but from someone I know who is seriously into T'ai Chi), we "hold emotions" in our bodies - for example, I'm sure we've all felt stress in our shoulders. I think that massage does help release whatever emotions we've been holding onto. From my own experience, since that first arm massage that triggered a lot of grief, I've had one other arm massage. It felt wonderful and definitely brought up some emotions, but not grief. So perhaps the first massage released some of that for me.

And Monte, I just wanted to echo that it sounds like your T's actions came from a desire to connect with you in a way that meets your needs, which is definitely something that matters to him.
I have done several different types of body work and they have all brought up different things for me. I get regular massage therapy and it seems to just relieve general tension and also helps me get used to safe touch with no strings attached.

I've done Reiki healing touch and that has brought up a great deal of grief. It also was able to get me unblocked when I was totally numb and couldn't access any feelings.

I've also done acupuncture. That brought up a TON of stored sadness, pain and grief. In fact, I have backed off of it because it seemed to be bringing things up faster than I could handle them.
Then a bit of chit chat as I readied myself to leave and then he asked me as I stood up could he give me a brief hug before I go. Umm…that was an awkward moment but I said ok and…got a hug. Very brief moment on my part, I made sure of that, but I got it.

Hi Monte,
I realize the conversation has moved on, but I just wanted to tell you how happy I was to read this. I remember how painful it was for you when you thought that you had passed up on a hug forever and I think it's wonderful you were finally able to experience this. And even better that it provided such a positive effect.

Hi Agent,
Just wanted to say welcome to the forums! I haven't been around lately or I would have said hi earlier!

Monte I haven't posted anything in reply to you for what seems like ages - though I read all your posts. Just wanted to chime in here with a cheer and smile for what's been going on for you with your T. Yeah it sounds like it's all set and primed for you to really start getting on with the big stuff - scary but must be a really good feeling knowing it's all in place, at last!

And as for that one size fits all code of conduct, can I add my raspberry as well? Good on you (and good on your T) for being prepared to go beyond the 'rules'. Hugs to you Monte.


p.s. Agent, I'd like to say welcome too!

Didn't mean to sound 'impatience' was mostly in good fun

Oh, I know. I could 'hear' it. I just had a bit of guilt going on for waiting for two days when I had had such an emotional response to your post and then didn't get around to responding to it for a while. I didn't mean to leave you wondering where I was. I do know you well enough by now though to know that you weren't being "demanding" with me. Wink

The thought of it makes me sick with fear. I think my T is pushing for some sort of expulsion of emotion in his presence, because that's what needs to take place. I feel somewhat stunned by his willingness to be available to 'catch me' in such a physical capacity...that would be such a precious thing. And interesting after so many years of hovering around such things. So I don't fear how he will - or won't - respond, I just fear and dread the moment in itself.

Frowner So sorry you're so frightened of the emotions coming out. I can understand that somewhat. I am terrified of EMDR for fear of crying over things I think my T will see as insignificant (and that I frankly see as insignificant but that make me cry anyway!). I'm actually terrified of even opening up to her about what each specific 'trauma' is, because I'm afraid she'll laugh at me for having put some of them on my list. I know she won't of course, but the fear is still very real. Fear is such a terrible thing to overcome isn't it? Too bad there's not some magic pill, or something easy like that to help us get over our fears and push through so we can heal our wounds and get through to the other side. I know the things that are worth the most in life take hard work, and oftentimes pain, and a great deal of strength to overcome sometimes, so that helps me to realize that getting past my fears in therapy is just another hurdle in life that I--and you too--have to work on making it over. We can do it, Monte! I know you can do this. I can't tell you how much I look forward to the post when you tell us that you did it--that you broke through the fear and actually let the emotions go. Scary, yes--but the relief will be so worth it. It will open up so much for you, as I know you're aware. And of course there will be setbacks, and it won't always go as planned or desired, but the times I've bawled my eyes out have been so cathartic and healing that I almost wish (notice I said almost) I could cry like that every time. Now I am so numb on my medication that I rarely cry, so I kind of miss that. Can't believe I'm saying that, but it's true.

Anyway, just wanting to encourage you. I know it feels scary, but it's not that bad. And your T is SO THERE for you! That's what makes me so happy for you. I wish my T were like that. She is in her own way, but nothing even close to how your T was last session. I hope he keeps it up and that it works its magic on you! Big Grin Good luck tomorrow!!!! Smiler


Hey Monte,

I too have been wanting for ages to say how delighted I was to read of the new developments with your T. Really, when I think of this I just have this feeling of great relief inside. What a beautiful, beautiful thing to have been emotionally held like this, heard and held. You have waited for so long for this, waited, struggled, felt around in the dark looking for the way forward to this connection. And now you've found the magic ingredients, the magic doorway, through all that hard work. Beautiful. I know you are still going to have times of struggle and fear and pain and doubt, but I believe it will be fundamentally different - in that you KNOW that connection is possible, and if it's possible now, you can get to it again, even if the way is obscured sometimes as you go along.

Just so delighted for you.

Hi Agent and welcome to the Board. It will be nice to get to know you better in time.

Monte, that was a truly amazing session you had with your T and I'm so glad he was able to put aside some of those "rules" to reach out to you. Safe touch can be so healing but beyond that he was willing to go the extra mile for you because he is truly committed to your healing. I'm so glad it all worked out so well for you and I think that this portends some really great work ahead. You took a risk and he met it beautifully. There was a point where I was truly struggling with my T and his lack of experience in trauma and I gave him some material to help him gain more knowledge about this. But I was afraid to ask him if he actually used the materials. When I found out in a subsequent session that he was very much paying attention and using them well... I burst into tears. I guess I didn't realize how scared I was that he didn't care enough to do that extra bit to help me. It has really made a world of difference in my therapy.

Oh, NEXT Thursday! Well then I'll have my session the day after yours! My T called yesterday and moved my session from the 16th to the 2nd. Seems she'll be out of town the 16th. So I'll have a whole month between sessions anyway, just at a different time. I'm going to get myself busy and write her a letter (I know, not the best way to communicate, but it's tough stuff this time again) and get some stuff out that needs to be aired. How's the next drawing coming along? I sure wish we could actually see some of this artwork of yours. I'm sure it's lovely! Smiler Well, take care and have a great weekend, Monte!!


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