I agree with what STRMS said, this is new for you and difficult work to boot, so it will feel very different and very hard. I have been with my T for many years too, but the relationship evolves and trust is always at the centre of that - the more you can (both) trust, but you especially, the more deep and effective the work. The nature of what you went through means that trust does not come easily, we are cautious, wary, frightened all too easily and have put up strong barriers of protection - when the barriers come down, the real work begins.
How amazing and comforting to be allowed to be hurt and frightened and little and have someone sit by you and talk gently and not be freaked out or repelled by the 'smell'...and someone that will TOUCH you while you are being that and not find you have someone sit and wait for you to come out because they want to see you and hold you if you want to be held
Monte, that touched me so much. It is so very true and I am so glad that you can feel that from your T; to know that he will walk with you and stay with you is the greatest comfort to that liitle child. I still sometimes wait for my T to get up and leave, still wait for her to hurt me, be repulsed by me, by what I am saying and remembering.....oh yes, and the smell thing, yep that too, big time. But at those times she comes even closer, holds me and stays with me and my head can't really believe that I'm actually safe. But when I allow myself to feel that safety and truly believe that it's different now, that's when the real healing has begun.
Oh and Monte, about the crying, because nobody ever came it was never worth doing and for the very same reasons, is too great a risk to do now. Absolutely. That was my graetest reason for never crying, that if I did I might be ignored, hurt, punished, just as before - so being alone with my sadness definitely a safer and more comfortable option. I really cried with my T for he first time ever recently and those same fears haunted me, even at the time was wanting to escape first before she did....BUT none of my fears came true and like you were kept safe with your memory by your T, mine did the same for me when I was crying - beautifully. Monte, it's so so hard to take that leap I know, but if you want to cry, remember that he's walking with you and has shown no signs of not being there for you, infact the complete reverse
Monte, not a word sounds mushy or silly, it's exactly as it is. I am sorry you have had to experience all that as a child, but so pleased you are coming through this. (((Monte))) Look after yourself, that overwhelming feeling as you remember is a tough one, but it will come and go and you are doing so well,