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Hi everyone! I`m also nwe here, dont know if i do this right? Think this post was wrongly putted here.. but:

WOw! So cool to record.. I`we wanted to do just that for as long as i can remember.. But i dont have the I-pod things (neither any of the other nice record-stuff)

What`s the worst scenario that can happen really- if you tell him about the recording? (or just ask if its Ok to do it, thats just a frank and honest question. If the respond is positive, then maybe tell him/her you allready done it once.. It`s always better to be honest. Thtas what therapi learned me manye times) After all, if it helps you, like you said, - you learned that he was so gently and warm, - It sounds like a win-win situation to me! What is good for you, is (should be) also for his benefits.. Dont you think?

I did all this "recording" only in my head.. trying SO HARD after every session to remember EVERYTHING (i mean this every single word)that came out of my T`s mouth. Like every word had this huge importance.. (Trying to find out i guess, does he likes me? What is he interested to hear more abaout?) This type of "recording" doesnt have the same funcion: I dont acually HEAR the word, I just "hear" them in my head.. so. I`ll rather grab your way.
Yet: My T knows I have a bit craxy hang up, trying to remember everything we`ve talked about in the session, and also helped me understand that all this effort I make to "hear him" in my head is connected to me wanting to allways have him there, hear his voice etc..

-again pardon my english, it`s so hard to not be able to communicate the way i would like to. Hope you bear over with me-
and good luck with your next session, with-or without recording! Smiler

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