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I wouldn't tell my T (if I still had a T). I know that if I did, then I would end up writing for an "audience" and it wouldn't be authentic. It would stress me out always wondering what he thought of what I wrote, or if he was even reading at all. In fact, I couldn't even stand to have him read my "homework" when I was in therapy - instead I just summarized it for him and left out anything about him.

But that's me. I'm kind of a pathetic approval-seeking people pleaser that way.
My therapist spent a couple of years overseas (and recently came back). We shared several emails while she was gone and in one of the last ones, I sent her my blog address - mentioning that she can read up on the recent happenings over there if she wanted to. (emails were quite friendly)

I have a blog tracker on my blog - so I know she visited, but I believe it was only once. I shouldn't have sent it to her though, like the previous comments, I feel I am sometimes writing for an audience, but I still write and I still enjoy it.
I have one too. I blogged summaries several times about a special class I had taken online, so I gave my T the web address so he could read about it because I thought it'd be quicker for him to read than me telling him about the class. There were a couple earlier posts in my blog where I had talked about him (kind of negatively) but I warned him about that and he just smiled.
Msmandy hello and welcome to the forum!

I don’t have a blog (just to contribute to this thread Smiler ) but am pretty sure if I did I wouldn’t want a T reading it.

The reason I’m posting is to ask msmandy about this blog tracker thing - does that mean that everyone who reads your blog you are able to tell who they are?


p.s. anyone willing to link to their blogs? I'd be really interested to read other members' blogs.
p.s. anyone willing to link to their blogs? I'd be really interested to read other members' blogs.

I'd love to but it says my real name, and there are pictures of me with family and friends all over it. There's also a lot of info about where I live and stuff like that. Otherwise I would totally share.

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