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hello there new forum-friend! just dropping in to (better late than never) welcome Smiler and creds to you for posting again!

..dont worry about not posting/open up- we`re all different about what weare comfortable with sharing, and what we post, when we post, what triggers us and how often we respond etc. those individual differenses just enriches this forum IMO.
Just want to add my welcome here Marsh. Please feel free to share what you can. Sometimes we give here and sometimes we just need support or other times we just lurk. Do whatever feels best for you.

As someone else who was abruptly termintated this past summer and still struggling badly with the trauma of how that played out, I would be interested in hearing your story when you feel you can discuss it.

It was nice meeting you.


It sounds like you have a great T. I'm glad that you are able to have the longer sessions as I think that makes a huge difference. I too have benefited greatly from the mental health parity law. I used to be limited to 40 visits and now I have unlimited. I also paid extra to have an out of pocket cap put in place so once I hit $2500 my visits are covered 100% the rest of the year. I have sessions that are 60-90 mins, but sometimes we go over to 115 or even two hours, but not often. My insurance is fine with up to 115 minutes, but when I hit 2 hours then I pay a small bit for the difference in allowed vs charged. Not a big deal. Unless we are having a really light session, I usually go 75-90 minutes. I can't process the really bad stuff in 60 minutes, it just doesn't work for me.

Good to see you posting and coming out of lurkdom and hope to read more from you!
Hi Marsh... I'm glad to hear that things are working out so well with your new T and that she is so receptive to safe touch as I know how helpful that can be at the end of a difficult session. My oldT used to give me a hug if I asked for it or he would pat me on the shoulder or arm or shake my hand. I found the contact very healing and grounding, especially since when I was in emotional pain I would reject or push away anyone who tried to touch me. I was able to tolerate his safe touch and it was an important aspect of healing.

Also thank you for your kind words about me and my oldT. I'm in a very confusing period right now where I cannot trust anything I feel or believe or anything that people tell me. I question everything and feel so unsafe all the time. My hypervigilence is in high gear and I startle very easily. I sit in therapy with one foot out the door ready to run at the slightest indication of anything suspicious with newT. The poor guy is starting with quite a severe handicap.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm glad you are here and that you are feeling able to post longer posts and to share your story with us. This is a great group of people as evidenced by how they have stuck by me even when I've been angry and upset and when my story became very triggering to many.

As for insurance... right now I'm in a huge insurance mess of paperwork and claims that will probably never get reimbursed due to running around in panic over the summer trying to find a new T... many of which were not in my plan. This termination has also put me in debt with T bills that I never anticipated I would have to pay. And my insurance does not cover longer sessions so I have had to eat a lot of the cost when I have needed the rare extended session with oldT. This new T cannot even fit me in a regular slot .... I have no hope of ever having an extended session even though I need them badly right now.

Again, welcome and keep posting... you will see it gets easier!


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