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HI Butterfly,

I think we met briefly when I first came on the forum. Good to see you back. Not to worry. Do you ever feel like the deeper you get into therapy, the worse you get? That's how I feel. I think BB was kind of just expressing the same thing. I'm hoping that things get better too. I hope they get better for you. I have heard they get worse before they get better but they do get better. I'm actually going to ask my T about that because I want to make sure there is a road out of here, You too?
Liese and Draggers thank you so much for responding to me and I apologise for post just sounded pathetic.

Yes Liese I did feel I got worse during should really come with a health warning! Let me know what your T's answer is.

Draggers thank you for my hugs and your kindness and saying it is ok to admit I am not coping. That means alot. (((Draggers)))

Oh Butterfly, I hear you. It should really come with a health warning. I think it was Sheychen's new T who told her, I only think it's fair to yell you that it's going to hurt, etc. etc. And I really think they should all do. Mine has told me at different points that people leave because it gets to painful but not in the same way Sheychen's T laid it out. Leaving is not an option for me because I need his support right now. So I have to find a way to deal with the pain.

Butterfly, I'm barely coping all the time. You're not alone. But I get through the day and the kids are still okay, hopefully!!!

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