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((((((((((Deepfried)))))))))) I'm not even going to spend time on any disclaimers here...I'm definitely creeped out by what your P said to you, especially how he was saying flags and bells going off...I think you were right to contact your T, very much so...I hope she is supportive of you...any chance there is another P you can see? I am SO sorry you've experienced this...but you are right to ask...good luck to you and let us know what happens.


I do really think the guy is an a...hole. I'm so glad your T validated that for you. He presumed an intimacy when there was none. IMO he crossed some major boundaries there that in the wrong person, could have been really destablizing. He's not treating you for your past. He's treating you for the present. So, how are you feeling? Would have been an appropriate question.

In any event, the good news, IMO, is even though you were activated, that was an appropriate reaction and shows me how well you are handling certain situations.
Oh yuck, what a f***ing creep. Sorry, I know this already has been established, but I am really glad you told your T about this - how horrible. Major major major red flags, alarm bells, whistles....

Ugh, sorry you had to deal with this. And just in case there's any question about this in your mind - you did not draw this guy to you. You just used his professional services, and had no way of knowing. Bleurgh.


I can't even really respond because um, your P was a jerk. I can't even try to think of how and what circumstance that might have been ok. It was totally just wrong, inappropriate, insenstive, stupid... ok I will start now.

I'm not an agressive person at all (I work with kids and rescued animals all the time!) and I just want to slap your P. Dump water on him. Something.

I think you are not be overlysensitive and I am actually so glad your internal red flags (being shaken and anxious) did go off. Your body and mind were reacting in a way that really makes sense and is totally appropriate. I'm so glad you sought feedback too. When we have been through trauma and have also had hurt by P's (as from your other posts) sometimes it can be so easy to doubt our own internal warning flags.

I'm so sorry if it is hard to hear this P was creepy and very inappropriate in what he said. He may not be a completely horrible P, he could just be having a terribly EXTREMLEY off day... but there just is no excuse for what he did and said, and your reaction is totally appropriate and fitting.

and, I want to say I am so glad you called your T. I know that is really hard to do, it was so good of you to do that. And I'm so glad she validated and understood what a creep he was!

You did the right thing and as much as it sucks to deal with this, you are having a really appropriate reaction and did well with it. Not oversensitive at all!

I hope you can find a new P - there are many other better ones out there. I also think it makes sense to look for a P who doesn't work with your T right now - but might be able to give a little 3rd party kind of input, for your sake in trusting the P and your T.

...just my two cents,
~ jane

Sorry I have come late to this, but I can only say that I totally agree with everything that has been said about this fellow.

i'm not sure if it was just an off day, i've had problems with him in the past with being really blunt with my trauma history. and once he told me a story about a patient and was talking not only derogatory about her as a person, but especially about her diagnosis (something i do not have, but he talked about her diagnosis as if I would say 'Oh OF COURSE someone with THAT would be like THAT'). my t thought that was rude, too. i wasn't creeped out, it was just... not appropriate. some people might be okay with his 'gruff' approach... i am not.

It's not really acceptable to have an off day, if being off means you are going to be inapprpopriate and insensitive. I would be really alarmed to hear a professional talking about patients in a derogatory way, that is not acceptable. For me a gruff approach is always a bit unnerving, when I am the patient - deepfried you deserve more than what this guy has to offer, I am so glad your T and your group both validated your initial reaction that his behaviour was very wrong.

I see this man 1hr a year and I'm expected to swallow the pills he gives me based on almost no interaction at all. it's very frustrating and an argument I make to my t alllll the time.

Oh how this resonates with me! I said the same thing to my T yesterday. I told her that I wasn't even sure I was going to agree to take what the pdoc might suggest and she seemed surprised. I told her that I'm not one to just swallow a bunch of pills just because some guy that I don't even know who happens to have MD behind his name tells me to. Why would I just blindly follow and do that? I always research anything that I am given and decide if the risk outweighs the benefit for me, but then I tend to fall on the more natural remedy side and that isn't often popular with doctors.
df, uh, weirdo. geez.

i am glad you don't see him often.

my first p was a weirdo too. an as$h5le trapped in a man's body. really rude to me, i thought, and i complained about him to t1, who was in the next office, and got the impression he didn't like him much either ... thanks for the referral, t1.

i did change p's. and, i don't think that is what you need, but it helped me.

sounds like your comments were caretaking HIM. funny how that happens so often!!

but no, df, he is the weirdo.

((why is it that when WE are the one on the couch we ASSUME we are the only one with problems in the room, but, how often that is NOT the case!!!)) jill
Hi Deepfried,

Like everyone else here, I'm VERY happy you found a new P. Big Grin As far as what to do about CreepyP, IMO you should do whatever you need to do to be SAFE. That IS the "healthy" thing to do. Big Grin If there's any way you can get that next prescription without having to see him at all, I say GO for it. And if you do have to see him one more time, take someone with you so you don't have to be alone with him. And the plans you had to never call back, or make the appt and then cancel, sound perfectly fine to me. He was a creep to you, and therefore, you don't owe him any explanations. Just trust your gut, and keep yourself safe. That is the most important thing. Smiler

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.


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