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My heart really goes out to you. I am so sorry for so many generations of so much loss and pain and heartache. I'm so sorry your sister has luekemia and your mother isn't doing well with it. (how are you doing with it?) I'm so sorry too about your friend's response to having your sister over . ugh that makes me mad and sad too.

This year, as in past years, your son does have the most important thing: you. That's what matters most of all.

So sorry UV to hear about your sister and that you are feeling so down and unable to reach out for support here. I'm not sure what happened between you and your T but most everything can be repaired if both sides are willing to try.

Sometimes when we need the support most is when we try to run away from it. That just comes from old maladaptive coping skills that really did us no good. The good thing would be to move towards others for comfort and help. It's just so hard because we found out as children that this did not work so well and it feels quite dangerous.

I do hope you stay in therapy and explore the dissociative disorder you mention here. There are other members who struggle with this and the group (myself included) are very understanding of the dynamics of this. We are all here to support each other and never more so than when someone is really struggling.

I hope you will find the strength to keep posting and reaching out for support while you deal with these new issues.


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