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I have actually asked for homework, to which my T replied, "well, what do you want to do for homework?" So not what I wanted to hear! I too, think I would benefit from more structured homework - something to ponder between sessions, but what was suggested instead is to begin journaling. I used to journal quite extensively, for over 15 years, and kind of stopped over time.

I'm journaling again pretty regularly - I find it helpful, actually, to process my days, knowing that I can compile a list of discussion topics between sessions, as needed. Really helpful!
My problem is that my journaling is so prolific and he's such a nice guy, he reads every page eventually. But despite that and despite coming in with actual lists of questions, I freeze and cannot even read my questions aloud to him! I would probably be too busy trying to give the right answers if he gave me structured homework. But I want it so bad!
A few times I got "homework" such as write in your journal what you want to discuss and keep it near at hand during the session. Once he tried to get me to exercise and do some creative stuff I've left behind for many years now that used to be important with me. And once he sent me to art galleries to see what the pictures would make me feel, which assignment I loved, but he never checked back with me about. Frowner I would have loved regular homework to keep connected between sessions, yet, my T never much checked back with me on those things he gave me to do, so it ended up feeling pretty pointless. I guess I should have brought it up, but I had a hard time talking at that point.

I like your homework, STRMS- that seems like a very helpful exercise! Smiler

I get homework quite often.
It started with working on my phobias and my hand-washing OCD, which both didn't go very well so T gave up for the time being.

In January she gave me something to fill out. It was a piece of paper with 3 colums: what have I done well today; what positive feedback have I gotten from others; and in the last one I had to write down the 3 nicest things that "happened" every day.

Last week she gave me a meditation CD (mindfulness) so homework was to do this 30min meditation every day. I managed once to stay with it for 22 minutes, the rest of the days I stopped earlier.

We sometimes talk about homework, usually when it's "new" but we don't constantly talk about it. I guess it's my responsibility to keep doing exercises and homework but I'm not too good with discipline so usually I forget doing it after a while Frowner
My EMDR T sets homework and I love it. She first of all insisted I wrote a journal and not just my blog. i resisted but gave in and have found it wonderful to be writing a private journal again. Also, she asked me to photograph the scars, burns and skin grafts from being burnt as a baby, and I made it into a movie and she was deeply moved by that, as I am.
She has just emailed me two photos of the sand tray work I did on Tuesday, and asked me what I thought the work I did in the sand tray meant to me.
Up till about October of last year I got homework after every single session. I *loved* getting homework because to me it meant he wanted me to come back. I'm just now realizing maybe this is why I'm having such a hard time staying connected to my T (which is what he always worries about). There's nothing tangible (like homework) that shows me he wants me around again. ~D. P.S. Thank you, I'm going to bring this up at my next session!
I get homework every now and then. Mainly writing 'fictional' letters to my parents, listing behaviours that show 'the healthy me', and writing longer pieces about events that happened to me which I won't or can't bring up in therapy.

Lately, I haven't been given any homework, which makes me sad because it is just the best excuse to send an e-mail to T. Now that I come to think of it, I might use this as an excuse to email her with and updated version of prior homework Smiler
T has never given me homework, I think if i asked him to he would give me another speech on how I'm the only one who knows what I need, and everything I need to heal is inside of me (which i don’t mind because I love those speeches). But not a week goes by that i don’t have some sort of assignment for myself, besides spending at least 2 hours listening, processing, and journaling my sessions. And yes, I always (almost always) go over what I worked on with T. If it’s a book or workbook then I’ll bring it in and go over it, or if it’s something I went out and did I’ll journal about it so I don’t forget to tell him.

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