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Numbness and tingling are very common reactions to panic and anxiety. I get this as well. It could also be related to the breath holding. I've found the best thing to do for me in that situation is to actually focus on the numbness, tingling, shaking etc. and just follow along behind it and it helps to naturally titrate the telling/talking.

I also wanted to add that it could be a body memory. I get those too and sometimes it is hard to understand, but eventually it becomes clear and once it does it gets processed and stops happening.
I don't have my face turn numb, but I get tingly, dizzy, like I can't take in sensory input and am about to pass out. It's a sort of nauseous feeling, without the actual sensation you might throw up. It can also manifest as a sort of pressure, like being underwater...I don't know how to really convey what I am talking about or if anyone relates.

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