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I think your T's response is evidence of just how much she cares and she is showing concern for you. I agree with her that you need to go even if you have to go in your pj's and call a cab to take you. There is obviously something going on and it isn't likely to get better without some sort of intervention.

I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. (((hugs)))
LG, I agree with the others that your T is concerned about you and would like you to attend so that she can help you. I wonder how you would have felt if she had responded saying it was ok if you didn't come in. I can see however how you would feel that your freedom of choice has been taken away and I wonder if you could perhaps ask her to clarify what would happen if you were in such a place you couldn't go.

I hope you are able to make it to your appointment LG, as it sounds ike you are in need of support but I understand the need to curl up in bed too. Will be thinking of you.

LG - I do hope you are able to make it. As ridiculous as it sounds, if I sent such a message to T, I would hope he would insist on me coming. I think he would probably just say, "OK, I can't make you come, but I really think it would be best if you do." I am the type of person that sometimes needs a big push when I get like that. If I didn't have a toddler to "push" me around, I wonder if I would ever leave my room at all lately...or sometimes if I'd even be here, honestly.
If there was no such thing as "dresscode", I'd walk around in PJs and sweatpants all the time.

Sign me up for this petition please. As long as it is clear that PJs must be appropriate for out of the house (no revealing shorts and strappy tops please.)

I commented that I notice that I get into a funk when I spend several days alone not around people but once I get out and start talking to people, I pull myself out of it.

I often get stuck in a funk that I think I'm too comfortable with, as I can easily go days on end without leaving the house and speaking to others. Not great.

What is great is that you went, that T2 cares, that she gave you the little push you needed, and that you're learning to trust that T2 isn't going to put a mental hold on you, no matter how you look!
So glad you were able to go and connect. I rule is PJs (but in the Summer, I can't help the tank tops, it gets HOT). Also, new rule is that our Ts should meet with us for three hour sessions, as many days of the week as we want, for no charge. Are we all agreed? So, shall we all bring this up at our next appointments? Luckily, mine falls on April Fools, so I have an out if it doesn't go over well!

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