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I've never taken a break from T so I can't speak to that really. I think I've only ever missed two sessions. One due to an injury and one due to illness. I know that my T has said that she has had clients that needed a break. I am pretty sure if I told my T that I wanted to take a week or two off that she would hold my regular slots for me, but I'm also sure that she would seriously question why I wanted to do it.

I've read all of your other threads and I'm confused about why you want to take a break. I think taking a break when it is well planned and things are stable is okay, but I'm wondering about taking a break in this situation because it sounds like you really need the support and to work some things out with your T and I'm afraid that by canceling you might be avoiding the very thing that you really need to work through. Please don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to judge you are say that you are wrong here. Obviously you are the expert on you. I just hate to see you pull back and cut yourself off from support when it sounds like you are really struggling.

Like STRM, I haven't ever cancelled, but I've talked about wanting to do so or quit, LOL. My T has suggested a short break (with staying in contact on crisis stuff) as a possibility when I was so overwhelmed I wanted to quit. He seemed to think it was no big deal. However, I don't have a "regular" slot to worry about losing. Could you just go and say, "Hey, I need four weeks of us just keeping it completely light?" Or, if you absolutely need a break, could you do a 10 minute conversation with her and air out your concerns that you definitely DON'T want to leave permanently, but need a bit of a break and are worried about losing your slot?
Originally posted by deepfried:
Really no breaks?? Wow. But I guess I havent breaked either Smiler I just want a session or two off.

STRM - I am avoiding. Thinking of Having to talk to or see my T is too much and distance or not feeling like I have to see her will help a lot. As long as I'm decently sure she will not terminate me, sanction a longer break, take away my weekly time, or not get it... Then I just want a break from the anxiety. I've never take some time off... I get vacations with my other jobs and it makes my coworkers easier to tolerate lol can't it translate here!?

I think a session or two off is reasonable and if you think it will help then I think it's fine! If your T is going to terminate over something as minor as taking a session or two break then there are bigger issues there that need looking at (with your T). I think if you are up front with her and tell her what you need and your fears that it will be okay.

IMHO, T's understand how difficult therapy can be and the need to take a break. It doesn't seem to me to be a "JUST" reason for termination. I am sorry things are so hard for you right now.

I don't think my T would terminate me for needing a break. I think this is grueling work and only for tbe brave-of-heart.


It's not actually HER that is the problem it's that I was raised by crazy people and can only assume most other people are crazy too.

Ooohhhh.... this is so good! I have to remember it when I go into freak-out-mode.

I agree, though, that if she terminates over a break, than there is something else to be said.

I'll admit, when scheduling my summer vacation, I was terrified I'd lose my slots. We ended up spending a good portion of one of my sessions last week situating the schedule for the duration of the summer, since she runs a different summer schedule, and situating back in my regular slots starting in the fall. I need consistency, I need to know my spots are "mine" unless I say otherwise. It's be way too hard to schedule week-to-week.
I did say I wish she'd take the time to reason with me even a little (like saying 'I can't support that' and NOT saying 'I won't work with you' - they mean the same thing but one sounds like (to me) 'I care' and the other one sounds like 'F Off I hate you').

Yes, to this!

Oh, and if my T said she "knew" something about me, that would piss me off. Even if it were partly true, I don't like when other people decide they are the expert on me. Sometimes, T says, "Oh, you're feeling better this week!" and although I might be feeling a little bit better, I'm mostly the same, and I get really irritated that he is deciding for me that I'm feeling better. I don't know what that's about. Maybe I feel like he's trying some Jedi mind trick on me or something.

Anyway, I like to ramble too! I hope you get some simple clarity on what you really need and work it out in a way that keeps you feeling supported and gives you some rest. (((DF)))

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