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(((Frosty))) Thanks so much for updating. Sorry you are missing your OldT, but your newP sounds really good! I am glad you've been able to stand up to your parents and that your P supports you in doing that and is keeping your therapy space safe for you. It really does sound to me like you have been doing better, going out, working on your driving lessons, etc. I'm proud in a non-condescending, big-sister-y way. Big Grin Please continue to keep us updated how things are going.

Oh, just out of curiosity, what would you think would be some good benchmarks of improvement by Christmas? If you come to your parents with some (achievable) goals, would they shut up on the idea that you aren't being constructive? No worries if that's too hard to define. I don't even have specific therapy goals anymore myself...they are all more nebulous, like "dissociating less" or "being less depressed, so I can get stuff done." Wink
It's great that your P reinforced the point that therapy is YOUR time and you are in control of who shares that time and space. My T did the same with/for me when I was trying to decide if my husband should meet with T to discuss my "issues." In the end, I decided I wasn't ready for that and my T was incredibly supportive, reiterating that he is here for me, no other person. That's a powerful statement -- I'm glad your P is drawing that line in the sand for you and that she's standing on the same side with you.

Don't stress too much about the highway driving. Piece of cake! Smiler
Thanks for the update, Frosty! Good for you for standing your ground with your parents. I like the sound of your new T/P. My T doesn't take notes during sessions (only during the very first one), but I know she writes down stuff afterward, and it's never been a problem. My first T didn't write anything down, either. I really like that she doesn't write stuff down...I know I'd feel very self-conscious about what was being written and also about "disturbing" her writing if I kept talking or something. For me, it makes it seem more like a conversation and less like an interrogation.

Good luck on your driving test!! That's'll do great.

Great to hear from you.

My T takes a little bit in the way of notes. I've complained about it making me feel like a "zoo exhibit," which makes him bummed. I think the problem is if we have a silent period, where I'm struggling to talk, there have been times when he waits for me and does the paperwork at that exact moment, which makes me feel like he's writing something about my silence and judging it, but it's actually just that he thought to do it at that particular moment. He says he barely writes down anything at all during sessions, just the basic stuff that's required about the session date time and topics. Other than that little bit, he almost never writes anything at all and is mostly interactive the whole session, which is much preferred! I do know he's keeping the art we've been doing in my file, though, which is embarrassing. We teased back and forth about it last session.
Hey there Frosty, thanks for the update, and I want to say it's not pointless at all!

It sounds like you really know what you are doing and what you want, and I really admire that you are sticking up for what YOU need and not being too overwhelmed by the pressure your parents are putting on you.

I'm sorry your new P is on a break, that must be a pain as you've barely started with her, but it's good that you seem to really like her and that she's helpful. And also good that you're not too bothered about not having seen her for three weeks - early days but who needs attachment anxieties this early in the piece?

I'm sorry that the situation you are in is annoying you - but it does sound like you are very clear about it and about what you need to do, and that's all anyone can ask really isn't it? That you deal with all this stuff going on for you as best you can given the limitations and pressure you are under.

Good luck with the papers you still need to do - and congratulations on getting that B!

Frosty - to clarify, T draws with me, as I feel super awkward doing it. It can take me five minutes to pick up a crayon and about 15 to start using it. We've only tried twice. Kind of ironic, considering I would compulsively sketch in my notebook while we talked, but drawing on purpose is excruciating. Anyway, I don't know if his own pictures make it into the file too, but he gathers them all together at the end of the session. He said they go into a "national therapy archive" to tease me when I didn't want to let him see last week's stuff. I said he could see them, but could we throw them out afterward and he joked that it was "against the law!" In the end, I just let him keep them. Other than the fact that they were all crappy, non-dominant hand drawings and one of them triggered me, I have no reason to really care. No one will ever see my file, most likely. For legal reasons, he has to keep a record of my treatment, but there are probably few circumstances under which anyone other than himself (or me if I asked) would see it.
haha, draggers you are getting as good as Jones and SG at the nickname thing...I like chilly.

Frosty, this is your diary speaking... Big Grin it is nice to see you...trying to get caught up a bit on the forum this am...gonna be hard to do it, so much is happening.

I like the sound of your P. It's gonna be ok. You are doing great work. I hope your parents will be able to let you cut the umbilical cord, so to speak. It's hard work to do that as it is without actual opposition.

Anyway...thanks for the update. It is great to hear about what is going on for you.



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