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I wish I had something really profound to say but I just feel so bad for you. It sounds like you are in so much pain and it doesn't sound like the relationship between and T is working well right now. Have you talked to your T about all this? IMO, shouldn't it be your decision as far as when you stop going twice a week?

Instead of her making it as if there was something wrong with you, that you're emailing her too much, IMO she should take responsibility for herself and just say that she can't respond consistently to you and that it would be more painful to you to get inconsistent replies. It sounds as if she is harming you instead of helping you.

I'm sorry it's so hard. Have you thought of switching T's?



I reckon you need to sit down with T again and re-negotiate your therapy. Dropping down to 1 session per week AND limiting out of hours contact is way too much at the same time.

Can you go back to 2 sessions a week - if you did that would you feel more contained and safe each week - would that reduce your out of hours contact? OR - can you still email her but not expect replies?

I just think things have changed. Us BPD's are hard work - that is a given and any good T who works with us knows this and it is part of their job. She should know the drill.

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