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My dear DF!

I have been there last week and a week before...My thoughts were much like yours...But at the moment I think it is getting better. Please be kind with yourself...keep 'nesting' and hang in there...

Keep in mind also that December is always hard...but if you need hospital or...that safety space...take it...that is not a big deal, but can help you...

Ohh...I don't know...just being touched by your post! Thinking of you! (((hugs)))

As horrible as this all feels, please try to hang on to the fact that these ARE memories. You have already survived what happened, so even though this feels like it could destroy you, it can't, you have already proved yourself stronger.

Losing your sense of safety with your Dbt T really sucks also, but again these are feelings, the truth is that she is still safe and dependable. I know that's not much in the face of these overwhelming feelings, but any space you can put between the consistent "I" who is having these feelings and the feelings which come and go and change, the more it will help you to get through the memories.

I am very glad that you have come here for help. What an incredible accomplishment for you that you are reaching out for comfort. We're here and you're going to be ok.

Hug two

((((DF)))) Wish I could send you lots of comforting stuff from here. Damn it, when are Star Trek transporters going to be a reality? They've had over 40 years to get this stuff working!!!

I'm sorry you feel ruptured with DBT T and that the safety isn't there. Having one of your safest places cut off from you inside is very upsetting. It feels like you have nowhere to turn. I hear you. I have been having a lot of past feelings coming up that I can't really locate the source of, so I can relate to how hard it is to set them aside from what we "know" is most likely true. I hope you are able to be patient and gentle with yourself through this wave and know that it will pass in time, while taking comfort from the other places you are able to reach out (like here).


Chiming in a little late but hoping you are still feeling a little more grounded today. It's such a scary place to be. Sending lots of big, warm hugs. My girlfriend from childhood just went home. She was visiting me for 10 days. She's the perfect houseguest so the length of time wasn't a problem at all. But the visit brought up some stuff for me as I straddle two worlds: the old me and the new me. She only knows the old me. Thank God, she loved that one. I can only hope she will love the new one as well.

Sometimes it's just hard to pinpoint exactly what set us off but if feels so much better when we regain our footing. Hoping you still have yours. Glad T was able to help you.



((((( DF )))))

Wow that’s an understated little comment about something pretty monumental – that you’ve now told your T everything. That’s a big deal and I’m not surprised you’re feeling overwhelmed, with that on top of everything that’s been going on for you.

I hope you do manage to look after yourself gently this weekend and are able to give yourself a bit of a rest from the intensive work you’re doing in therapy.

Sending you lots of hugs and good wishes


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