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I pushed pretty hard so it was uncomfortable while I pressed, so my main feeling when I released was relief. No other real affect. I used to dissociate pretty badly, but haven't really done so except on rare occasions (usually in therapy) for a number of years, so I'm not sure how to classify myself at this point. I am curious once you've gathered enough data to hear what you were looking for. Smiler

Oh and I have no problem wearing hats, never have. I mean, I don't look very good in them, but don't mind wearing them. Big Grin
oops sorry echos- no, no dizziness, just a kind of sensation of..ahh, that feels kinda good, and then the double vision thing. (convergence insuffiency is just eyes that don't work together well, causing predictable double vision at times) I forgot about hats- I used to hate them, but now I don't mind so much anymore- though I'd rather go without I suppose. Not really an option where I live though! Smiler

Love beebs (dying of curiositySmiler
Interesting question, Echoes. Smiler

I still kind of feel like someone is pressing on my head. Hehe. But actually, once I released, the sensation I felt in my head felt a bit like dissociation to me. It felt like I "moved back" in my head, if that makes sense.

I don't wear hats because I find them annoying, mostly. But if it's a brimmed hat, I don't like it because I don't like having my vision constricted...even though it's not, because I don't typically walk around with my eyes staring up at the sky. Big Grin Who knows.

And yes, do tell us what you find and what you're looking for!
er um!! i don't wear a hat pulled down so far as my eyebrows so not quite sure about the result!!! however Echoes if i put a knuckle between the eyebrows the resultant feeling of pressure can stay for a longish time - give temporary relief from headache and can be quite grounding - it's actually something i find myself doing often with my head on my pillow before sleep!!! so there you go miss E - my contribution to your enquiry!!! many s
Hmm.. Really interesting Echoes. A thought just occurred to me regarding hats and such. I have a really bad problem when I wear glasses where the ends of them that bend in hurt my head and neck and give me headaches and make me feel sick. I had them bend the ends out straight, but there are times where I will still have a problem with them. I've had this issue with every pair of glasses I've had. I only wear them when I'm not wearing contacts, but I'm thinking more about my glasses right now because my eyes have been so dry from the colder weather and I've been wearing them more. Anyway, just a thought that occurred to me. I know lots of other people have had the same problem with their glasses, but it's so extreme with me because the pressure can be so little and it still makes me sick.

Thanks for sharing...this is really interesting and I'm wondering why these things bother those who
I have moderate-severe dissociation and pressing that spot made me dizzy. I have lots of facial pressure points I touch constantly when I stress (there isn't one of them).

Hats I don't wear often for cosmetic reasons (often hate how I look in them plus ruins my hair) but they give me headaches (too much pressure on my head) and make me angry. I can and do wear them when I need/have to.

I was hoping a pez or bag of skittles would have fallen out of my mouth or my face would open up like that guy on men in black to reveal the Tiny alien hamster running my person but alas... It did not.
Last edited by Attachment Girl
was hoping a pez or bag of skittles would have fallen out of my mouth or my face would open up like that guy on men in black to reveal the Tiny alien hamster running my person but alas... It did not.

I figure if you're that dissociative, you definitely deserve at least one crazy special ability or superpower, don't you?
I tried it above my eyebrows with eyes closed, echos, and I don't think I was dizzy. I did notice it took my eyes a bit longer to adjust than normal when I opened them back up, though. (usually it takes a second for them to come together, but this time it took about 2 or three.

I don't think I dissociate severely though. I'm spacy at times, foggy brained, very distractable, poor memory- especially while shopping or driving, often, which is why I normally avoid both activities like the plague-but that's about it.

cat you are too funny! lol..
I did reply on here and then got all sorts of inside stuff about how I am lying and making stuff up and everyone else will say so too and had to go all delete-y after like 30 minutes. Love that part! Yay! So, sorry about that.

Here goes. So, T has pointed out for months at times in session when I am pushing, rubbing, tapping, even flicking that part of my head. I do it when I am already dissociating into my parts, already dizzy and nauseous, kind of like a response. We joke that I am trying to push them back in. I usually don't realize I am doing it if T doesn't point it out or else if I rub so much that my head gets sore. That exact spot, no lie. I dissociate and I start going at it.

I tried consciously while not dissociating for the first time yesterday and pushing that spot gave me those similar feelings that I usually push in response to, dizzy and nauseous, kind of disoriented and spinny. It was a delayed reaction, like several seconds later, after I moved my hand. Then, I had a mild pressure/headache for quite a bit after that.

It also gives me kind of a draining feeling in my head, which I've described like if I pushed the stopper in my my bathtub (the kind that you push both to open and close). So, I have this sensation of something draining away from me or else I am draining away. Not always, but sometimes. I don't know if this sounds kind of insane. That is why I went all delete-y in the first place, because I thought it sounded really bizarre.

I haven't done it enough when I am paying attention (like I said, I usually do this unconsciously when I am ALREADY dissociative and not in a space to even realize I have done it or what the affect is) to know if it is consistent, but it seems like the pressure/headache is every time and the dizzy or disoriented feelings are nearly every time too. Luckily, the nausea isn't every time, only when the dizzy is really bad. Obviously, if the nausea were every time, I'd have stopped after two or three times.

Does anyone else do this WHEN they dissociate, like in response, to try to make it stop? I tend to mostly rub when it starts to get uncomfortable, I think, and then tap it gently to kind of pull myself back up? I sound CRAZY, right? See, this is why this $#!+ gets deleted!!!

Edit: Oh, no bangs since I was three, no hats since like 11 (and even then it was caps I would wear backwards or pushed off my head). I just started wearing my hair down for the first time since that same age in this last year and I had to chop it shortish to be able to do it, because it gave me anxiety to have it down anywhere near the front of my face. Luckily, my curls fall to the sides nicely. I do wear glasses. I tried contacts for a while, but in addition to the fact that I don't need them for anything but TV and driving...I have to take them off during therapy, makes me incredibly anxious to have them on while I'm there. The longest I have left them on in the last several months since I noticed I do this is maybe 5-10 minutes out of a two hour session. T suggested it was because I didn't get glasses until high school, but I guess it could have to do with them being near this spot (not on it, but below).

It creeped me out when Echs asked about it at first, because I literally spent over half my last session rubbing or tapping this spot on my head and I'm pretty sure from T's regularly pointing out when I am doing it and asking what is coming up when I do it that it is one of the signs to him that I am dissociating and/or trying to put stuff/parts away.
Last edited by Attachment Girl
Interesting stuff...I never wear hats, funny I never really thought about it but just never do. I would feel very uncomfortable wearing one and would also join the hate wearing glasses' group too.

I get horrible head pains when I dissociate, normally to one side of my forehead rather than centrally. Sometimes the headache can hang around for ages afterwards too.

Thanks for getting us all thinking about this,

Echs: No sinus problems here Big Grin Energetically speaking, yes the 3rd eye pressure point is kind of associated with... some of the same things people can experience in dissociation. I've read that dissociators, by the nature of their defense mechanism, on a whole are more "sensitive" in that way from an energetic perspective (intuitive, empathetic, clairvoyant in some cases, etc). That population of people is also more likely to dissociate, day dream, etc. I've healed a significant amount from how much I was dissociating when I started therapy but I've actually found it has increased my "energy". I'm not sure if last year at this same time I would have felt anything when I did the activity (but I mean, who can say!!!) because I'm not sure if I'd feel the same in a less present state (does that make sense? like I feel dizzy because I'm going from more "inside" myself to "less" inside myself where if I was already really dissociated... I'd already feel really zonky anyway so I'm not sure if it would have done nothing or made it worse). I had bangs CONSTANTLY growing up because my parents picked my hairstyle *grr* until I was old enough to grow it out and pay for my own haircuts Smiler Eyeglasses also give me so much facial pressure. What I can't stand is sunglasses that squeeze the side of my head. If you REALLY want to mess me up... apply ANY pressure to my temples and I almost want to black out.
Ok I will play....

I tried it the other night and tried it again now.

After I take the pressure I feel a headache in my head (DOH) and ache in my neck a bit. My head feels heavy. I also felt pain or discomfort on my nose and sinus area.

But... not sure whether my results would be reliable as I have had a fractured skull and a broken nose - so both these things make this type of pressure cause discomfort anyway.

I don't like wearing hats and I have never liked anyone touching my head - but I think that could be due to the head injury. I wear sunglasses all the time and sometimes it causes a lot of pain if they put pressure on my head.

I have always had sinus problems. I didn't go dizzy and still have a headache from the pressure

Very interesting stuff.
So, I paid better attention last night and as soon as I started feeling dizzy and nauseous and like I'm sliding back, my hand is rubbing that spot on my head. I also started knocking on it with my fist when I was trying to quiet stuff down. All unconscious and if I hadn't put myself to really pay attention to it, I wouldn't have thought much of it. So bizarre. Feel a bit weird that everyone else seems to dissociate pressing this spot, but I use it when I am dissociating. Though, if I'm not and I push it, I feel dissociative. Could anyone on here do me a favor and next time you are feeling all fuzzy/dizzy/dissociative, see what happens if you press/rub/tap it when you are already feeling that way? I'm starting to feel like an odd duck.

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