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Echs - sounds like you are doing a huge amount of work. It doesn't matter that you might change your mind in a couple of months about the # of sessions you do - just have a rough plan and change as things go. You can't predict how you are going to be feeling.

It is a HUGE thing for you to be going through. 14 years working on parts - no wonder you are feeling alone - a chunk of you has changed.

You may feel that you have moved some of your inside family on - but you have your outside family right here waiting for you and wanting to support you.

Stay safe, be gentle and kind and take things slowly. You are going through a big process.

Hugs SD
Echoes... you have certainly been dealing with a lot of overwhelming issues through the years. I'm sorry for the pain you are feeling and the grief of losing those who are so familiar to you and part of you. I cannot imagine how you feel but I send you hugs. I think you are amazingly brave and i also believe that you are a lovely, caring mother and your children are fortunate to have you.

Yes it will be a change to only go weekly but it's a break that you need and you can always change your mind and up the sessions if you feel you need them. It's good to have the option there but perhaps you will find that your wings are stronger, you have shaken out a lot of mud and you can now fly pretty well on your own and into the life you should be living with your dh and children.

I also want to agree with SD that we consider you family and all of us are here as your family any time that you need us. You are an inspiration!

Warm hugs

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