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I'm sorry that your T made a very human mistake and told you too much about how she thinks about her messages. That would bother me too. I think you should try and remember that she encourages you to call and does that because she cares and wants to hear from you.

Can you tell her that you feel like you are overthinking it and you appreciate her being real but her comments have left you worrying that your voicemails are too much. Could you send it in an email just before your session so she would read it and address it without you haveing to bring it up cold? The only part I don't understand is what you mean about T not being a fan of you coming up with stuff outside of session that you think about later. Can you stop thinking outside of session (I can't LOL)? Does she want you to wait until the next session to address it?

thinking of you,
Catalyst! I hope my comment did not hurt you in any way. I thought the (perceived) slip up was mildly amusing, but I was totally not trying to pick on you or make you feel bad. I get phone anxiety with my T all the time, too, so I could totally relate to your post. I guess I should have said that. Frowner

I mean to be conscientious and not contentious myself, really.

Well,. . . okay. Smiler

I was getting all "eek everything I say is wrong I should go hide under a rock where I can't damage anyone" for a minute there.

I suppose it's inevitable that on a board like this people will activate eachother's anxieties from time to time. There is merit and strength i being able to look past that to the underlying goodwill that is for the most part consistently displayed.

Thanks for understanding in spite of being in not such a great place right now. I know it sucks. Hope you feel better soon.

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